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London Food Festival Oct. 1-13 With over 60 events throughout the month of October, the London Food Festival local cuisine and favourite chefs. In addition to special men- us and discounted prices on many oerings, the festival will also host restaurant-hopping tours, chef-hosted lunches and various tasting menus, among other things. MCM Comic Con Oct. 25-27 Get your geek on at the London Comic Con! With a special appearances by Sebastian Stan (Avengers: Endgame) and David Harbour (Stranger Things), to name a few, panel discus- sions, vendors and more, you don’t want to miss out on this weekend. Take a cruise to Greenwich Take advantage of the nice weather before it gets too cold with a cruise on an open-top boat to the lovely town of Greenwich. When you’re there, it feels like you’re visiting a small village rather than one of the busiest cities in the world! City Cruises oers relaxed cruis- es with guided commentary as you ride along the Thames from the Palace of Westminster to Greenwich. London Literature Festival Oct. 17-27 Come out to the Southbank Centre’s London Literature Festival for a series of talks, readings, poetry and performance. Over the course of 11 days, a number of literary inuencers will make appearances, such as Elizabeth Day, Armistead Maupin and many more! Explore London Dungeon…After Dark The London Dungeon has been educating and scaring visitors for decades – and now, to make things even spookier, they’re doing it at night. A mash-up of theatre, special eects, storytell- ing and surprises, it’s a walk through London’s gruesome past. Take a Harry Potter Tour Walk in the footsteps of the world’s most fa- mous wizard with Free Tours By Foot! Our tour takes you behind-the-scenes into the world of Harry Potter. Guests will be shown through lo- cations used in lming, areas mentioned in the book, and everything in between on this tour oered during the day as well as ear- ly evening.
lokalnu kuhinju i svoje omiljene kuvare. Pored specijalnih menija i sniženih cena, Festival će pored ostalog ponuditi i obilaske restorana i ručkove sa domaćinima... Strip konvencija . OKTOBRA Uključite svoj gik-kompas na London Comic Con ! Uz posebne nastupe Sebastijana Stena ( Osvetnici: kraj igre ) i Dejvida Harbora (Stranger Things ), da napomenemo samo nekoliko, uživaćete u panel-diskusijama, prodavnicama i svemu što volite. Otplovite do Griniča Iskoristite lepo vreme za krstarenje brodom na otvorenom do ljupkog gradića Grinič. Uživaćete u opuštenom krstarenju sa vodičima dok se vozite duž Temze od Vestminsterske palate do Griniča. Obrazujte se na sajmu knjiga . OKTOBRA Izađite na londonski književni festival Southbank Centre na čašicu razgovora, čitanja, poezije i performansa. Tokom 11 dana nastupiće veliki broj uticajnih književnika, poput Elizabet Dej, Armistada Mupina i mnogih drugih. Llondonske tamnice Londonska tamnica je obrazovala i plašila posetioce celu deceniju - a sada su, da bi stvari postale još jezivije, obilaske počeli da rade noću. Miks pozorišta, specijalnih efekata i pripovedanja, to je šetnja kroz groznu prošlost Londona. Družite se sa Harijem Prošetajte stopama najpoznatijeg svetskog čarobnjaka! Tura vas vodi iza scene u svet Harija Potera. Videćete lokacije
Frieze London Oct. 3-6 Art enthusiasts will love this event in Regent’s Park! Featuring artwork from over 1,000 of to- day’s leading emerging artists from 160 galler- ies, Frieze London is an excellent opportunity to discover new artists, admire favourite pieces and purchase artwork. Enjoy Major Concerts There are several big-name artists coming through London during October for a blast from the past, as well as some newer up-and- coming names. Check out the list of great con- crts you can attend. - Brad Paisley– Oct. 12 - John Mayer– Oct. 13-14 - Ariana Grande– Oct. 15-16 - Cher – Oct. 20-21 Enjoy a Sporting Event Premier League football is in full swing in Octo- ber, which means there will be plenty of games to attend! London is home to three of the top football teams in the Premier League (Arse- nal F.C., Chelsea F.C., Tottenham Hotspur) and many others outside the Top Flight, so you can take your pick of matches. American Football will also be making an appearance in London with the Chicago Bears playing the Oakland Raiders at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Sun- day 6 th October. Attend the Theatre London is home to the West End – the neigh- borhood of the world’s best plays and musi- cals – so there’s always something going on that you should see! There is simply too much to show here. Check out the shortlist of what’s playing in London this October: - Mary Poppins – Oct. 23 - Les Miserables – Oct. 15 - The Phantom of the Opera – Oct. 5 - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Oct. 23
koje se koriste na snimanju filmova, područja koja su pomenuta u knjizi, i sve se to dešava u toku dana ili predveče.
London je uvek dobra ideja, a putovanje je bolje kad unapred znate šta se dešava – u oktobru London is always a good idea, and travelling is better when you know in advance what is going on - in October
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