a ni saznati, ali u tome leži cela ma- gija. Kada se okružite starim zidina- ma niške tvrđave, mašta se budi, slike starih vremena prolaze pred očima, a priče same naviru. U antičkom periodu niško utvrđe- nje se pominje kao snažan kastrum, za koji Amijan Marcelin, rimski isto- ričar iz 6. veka, tvrdi da je „više puta opsedan, ali se nikada nije predao ni- ti bio osvojen“. Pretpostavlja se da je rimska tvrđava od kamena sagrađe- na polovinom 2. veka, kada se Niš pr- vi put pojavljuje u pisanim izvorima. Ovaj grad na jugu Srbije je u 4. ve- ku bio stecište rimskih careva i rod- no mesto Konstantina Velikog, prvog vladara koji se preobratio u hrišćan- stvo. Burna istorija nastavlja se nje- govim rušenjem do temelja od stra- ne Huna (441–442). Nekoliko godina kasnije niško utvrđenje obnovio je car Justinijan Prvi. Ipak, slična sudbina nastavila je da ga prati, pa se nedugo nakon to- ga tvrđava našla na udaru Slovena. Stari zapisi svedoče da je Niš bio bo- lje utvrđen od Beograda i da svojim jakim zidinama i kulama u 10. veku poprima sve karakteristike srednjo- vekovne tvrđave. Fascinantna građevi- na je prema izvorima pripadala i caru Manojlu Komninu, Stefanu Nemanji, knezu Lazaru i despotu Stefanu La- zareviću, koji ju je pre nego što je pa- la u ruke turske vlasti poslednji put obnovio. U periodu kada je pripada- la Turcima, tvrđava je dobila današ- nji izgled. Zemljano utvrđenje Hisar podignuto je 1718, a na njegovim te- meljima izgrađena je tvrđava slična onoj koju danas poznajemo. Ispod novih bedema ostali su za- trpani ostaci starog rimskog i sred- njovekovnog utvrđenja. Na novona- stalim temeljima niklo je naselje sa dućanima, kasarnama, džamijama i ostalim građevinama za vojne potre- be. Vreme nije pregazilo nekoliko ba- rutana, džamiju Bali-bega iz 16. veka i jednu zasvođenu građevinu, koja se i danas može videti. U srpske ruke ko- načno prelazi 1877. godine. Niška tvrđava je u maju 1948. go- dine proglašena spomenikom kultu- re od izuzetnog značaja, a 1979. go- dine i kulturnim dobrom od velikog značaja. Tvrđava je danas mesto na kojem se održavaju brojni kulturni i umetnički događaji, gde se ljudi oku- pljaju i razmenjuju utiske, uživaju u pogledu na reku i razmišljaju o ve- ličanstvenoj istoriji utvrđenja koje Niš krasi čitava dva milenijuma.
The fortress with a two-millennia long history that’s evidenced by numerous archaeological ndings is becoming an increasingly popular destination for curious tourists from around the world Utvrđenje o čijoj dva milenijuma dugoj istoriji svedoče mnogobrojni arheološki nalazi postaje sve popularnija destinacija za radoznale turiste iz celog sveta
N iš, the wondrous city on the river that bears its name, never ceas- es to intrigue and attract visi- tors from various parts of the world. We can seek one of the reasons for this in the fact that the hometown of Em- peror Constantine the Great doesn’t reveal too many of its secrets. Its cobblestone streets, historical monuments, dilapidat- ed facades and old taverns hide untold stories with a spirit that can be felt in the sizzling southern air. However, the inability to uncover and understand mysteries dating back to Ro- man times is intoxicating in its appeal. It is precisely for this reason that the fortress on the right bank of the River Nišava is a magnet for all lovers of history, architec- ture, festivals and unusual legends. And there are plenty of those here. Specical- ly, Niš Fortress has maintained the con- tinuity of constant existence for around two millennia. Isn’t that in itself fascinat- ing? You can but imagine how many wars have been fought here, how many loving relationships forged and broken, friend- ships made and hostilities ended... We’re certain that’s all impossible to calculate or uncover, but therein lies all of the mag- ic. When you surround yourself with the old ramparts of Niš Fortress, the imagi- nation awakens, images of bygone times pass before the eyes and stories bubble up on their own. Niš Fortress was mentioned in an- cient times as a powerful castrum, which 6 th century Roman historian Amian Marce- lin claimed was“repeatedly besieged, but never surrendered or conquered”. The Ro- man fortress of stone is assumed to have been built in the mid 2 nd century AD, when Niš rst appeared in written sources. Back in the 4 th century, this city that today rep- resents the capital of southern Serbia was a meeting point of Roman emperors and the birthplace of Constantine the Great – the rst ruler of Rome to convert to Christi-
anity. Its turbulent history continued when it was razed to the ground by the Huns (441-442). Niš Fortress was reconstructed a few years later by Emperor Justinian I. How- ever, a similar fate continued to follow him, with the fortress finding itself un- der attack again shortly afterwards, this time at the hands of the Slavs. Ancient records show that Niš was better forti- fied than Belgrade, and that it had ac- quired all the characteristics of a me- dieval fortress – with strong walls and towers – by the 10th century. According to sources, this fascinating edifice also belonged to Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos, Serbian Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja, Prince Lazar and Despot Stefan Lazarević, who was the last to renovate the fortification before it fell into Otto- man Turkish hands. The fortress gained its contemporary look during the peri- od when it was under Turkish occupa- tion. Hisar’s earthen fort was erected in 1718, with a fortress similar to the one we know today built on its foundations. Beneath the new ramparts lie the remains of the old Roman and medie- val fortications. A settlement arose on the newly formed foundations, complete with shops, barracks, mosques and other buildings required for military purposes. Time has spared several gunpowder mag- azines, the 16 th -century Bali Bey Mosque and one vaulted structure that can still be seen today. It nally passed into Ser- bian hands in 1877. Niš Fortress was proclaimed a cultur- al monument of exceptional importance of Yugoslavia in May 1948, and a cultural good of great importance in 1979. The for- tress today hosts numerous cultural and artistic events, where people gather and exchange impressions, enjoy views of the river and reect on the magnicent his- tory of this fortress that has adorned Niš for two millennia.
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