S ignposts at airports are designed to be consistent with the general purpose, function and content of the space they occupy, thus being suciently visible and clear to all visitors to the airport. Depending on the category, certain sign- posts have a dened background colour, text and corresponding pictogram. Signposts are classied into four categories: signposts related to the basic functions performed in the terminal building; signposts that display information regarding com- mercial services within the terminal building; signposts related to information for pas- sengers after departing the airport building; and signposts marking customs corridors. Black markings on a yellow background at Belgrade Airport will direct you to the check-in counters, airline ticket oces, passenger gates, luggage reclaim area and sim- ilar essential amenities relevant to your travel. Yellow text on a black background marks information related to commercial oers at the airport, such as information on shops, cafes, restaurants, post oces, banks, toi- lets and similar. White text on a green background directs you towards exits, leads you to bus and taxi stops, parking and other amenities that are important to travellers after leaving the terminal. The same colours are used to mark the green corridor at the customs border crossing. White text on a red background marks the red corridor at the customs border crossing. Pictograms, as symbols accompanying a particular text, are very simple and straight- forward, so that certain information is easily visible and comprehensible. The basic contour of the pictogram is the same colour as the text of the label, while the format of the label is adapted to the environment in which it is located and the interior itself. The primary purpose of signposts is to provide visual information that will enable visitors to nd and utilise specic contents. For this reason, signposts are located at key points within the airport building. In addition to their basic function, signposts also have an aesthetic function, contributing to an improved overall visual experience of the space. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport also uses oor signage, which provides visual infor- mation for ease of travel. The signage system at Belgrade Airport is designed to help all terminal users ori- entate themselves easily and eciently, as well as enabling the quick locating of spe- cic contents. The form and arrangement of this system’s elements ensures the nec- essary information is provided continuously along the main passenger ows within Terminals 1 and 2. Would you be able to easily navigate your way through an airport without prop- erly positioned and visually striking signs and signposts?
Osnovni cilj putokaznih oznaka je da obezbede vizuelnu informaciju koja
će omogućiti pronalaženje i korišćenje određenih sadržaja
The signage system at Belgrade Airport is designed to help all terminal users orientate themselves easily and eciently, as well as enabling the quick locating of specic contents
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