CRNA KOZA Geografski položaj: severozapadna Srbija Lokacija: selo Glušci, Šabac, Mačva Poreklo: kozje mleko Tip: meki punomasni sir
fer both basic and innovative products, cheeses with additives. There are so many dierent avours that one’s head spins from all the variations: with pumpkin, pepper, blueberries, black beer or wine, trues, dried tomatoes, green pepper, sorghum grass, wild garlic, olives, bell peppers etc. It’s not easy for untrained senses to feel all the variations, but the strong impression is that quality and in- novation cannot be challenged. White cheeses, both young and old, are in abundance, and have long a tradi- tion in Serbia and on our tables on a dai- ly basis. Like kids in a sweet factory, our team of cheese lovers sampled rolled, leafy, squeaky and grainy cheeses. We en- joyed that wonderful feeling of tingling on the tip of the tongue caused by some specic taste. We marvelled at the unusu- al appearance of one particular mozza- rella with added walnuts, dried gs and plums, and spent a long time discussing whether we’d eaten cheese or nibbled on fruit. Pirot kashkaval hard cheese leaves an indelibly positive impression, the pro- duction, specic taste and lasting quali- ty of which are only maintained, believe it or not, by the teachers and students of Pirot’s Dairy Farm Secondary School. They note with pride that, after ripening in some cave on the Balkan Mountain, it travelled to Thessaloniki by train, then headed by ship to New York, to even ar- rive at the White House and nd its way onto the tables of American presidents. There aren’t many cheeses in our country that can boast of having such a long tradition, so it is a real privilege to experience the slightly sharp taste that they enjoyed and that is still sought after by greats around the world. Pirot kashka- val cheese is the only local cheese that has its production process included on the list of the intangible cultural herit- age of Serbia. “The Balkan Cheese Festival has be- come the key point for all information about cheeses in Serbia and the surround- ing countries, and contributes to establish- ing links between producers and custom- ers, traders, exporters and international organisations and partners. And next year will see the Balkan Cheese Festival held at the same venue, the Belgrade Youth Centre, which is a partner of the event. Greece will be the guest country for two days, on 25 th and 26 th April, while guests from Sweden will present their cheeses at the autumn edition of the festival, on 3 rd and 4 th October,”announces Srba Jova- nović, the founder and inspiring spirit of these gatherings.
Mlečne masti: minimum 45%
trpezama. Kao deca u fabrici bom- bona, naša ekipa siroljubaca ispro- bavala je rolovane, lisnate, škripave i zrnaste sireve. Uživali smo u onom divnom osećaju kada se na obodu je- zika osete trnci zbog nekog poseb- nog ukusa. Čudili smo se neobičnom izgledu jedne posebne mocarele sa dodatkom oraha, sušenih smokava i šljiva i dugo diskutovali da li smo jeli sir ili grickali voće. Nepodeljeno dobar utisak ostavlja Pirotski kačka- valj čiju proizvodnju, specifičan ukus i postojan kvalitet održavaju, vero- vali ili ne, samo nastavnici i učenici srednje Mlekarske škole iz Pirota. Sa ponosom pričaju o tome da je njihov sir davnih godina, posle zrenja u ne- koj pećini na Staroj planini, vozom išao do Soluna, potom brodom za Njujork, da bi stigao čak do Bele ku- će, na trpeze američkih predsednika. Nema kod nas mnogo sireva koji se mogu pohvaliti tako dugom tradi- cijom, pa je prava privilegija osetiti blago opor ukus u kome su uživali, a i danas ga traže svetski velikani. Pirotski kačkavalj jedini je domaći sir čiji se proces izrade našao na li- sti nematerijalnog kulturnog nasle- đa Srbije. – Balkan Cheese Festival je po- stao ključna tačka za sve informaci- je o sirevima Srbije i okolnih zema- lja i doprinosi vezama proizvođača sa kupcima, trgovcima, izvoznici- ma i međunarodnim organizacija- ma i partnerima. I sledeće godine Balkan Cheese Festival će se održa- ti u na istom mestu, u Domu omla- dine Beograda koji je partner ma- nifestacije. Dva dana aprila, 25. i 26, Grčka će biti zemlja gost, dok će na jesenjem izdanju festivala, 3. i 4. ok- tobra, svoje sireve predstaviti gosti iz Švedske – najavio je Srba Jovano- vić, osnivač i spiritus movens ovih okupljanja.
BLACK GOAT Geographical position - Northwest Serbia Location – Glušci village, City of Šabac, Mačva District
Source – goat’s milk Type – soft, full-fat cheese Milk fat – a minimum of 45%
CARSKI SIR IZ SMEDEREVA Geografski položaj: Severoistočna Srbija Lokacija: Smederevo, reka Dunav Poreklo: kravlje mleko Tip: tvrdi i ekstra tvrdi sir Mlečne masti: minimum 50% FROM SMEDEREVO Geographical position – Northeast Serbia Location – Smederevo, River Danube Source – cow’s milk Type – hard and extra hard cheese Milk fat – a minimum of 50% IMPERIAL CHEESE
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