Odrastao sam na vesternima. U njima pozitivni lik uvek preživi, vole ga sve devojke i na kraju filma odjaše dalje. Ti likovi su mi ideal I grew up on Westerns. The positive character in those films always survives, all the girls love him, and at the end of the film he rides off
at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts. I believe that I was fortunate that he chose me, because no other professor would. He is one of our most important directors, with a great body of work. I had huge stress and a speech im- pediment, because I wasn’t able to say the letter R, but I later corrected that through exercises. I joked to my classmates that I’d been admitted because Dejan was going out with my mother. When I asked him, many years later, why he’d accepted me in his class, he told me that he recognised a great de- sire to act in me. Has some role inspired you to become a similar character in your life? - I grew up on Westerns. The positive character in those lms always survives, all the girls love him, and at the end of the lm he rides o. Those characters are my ide- al. And I also try to be positive and good. You’ve portrayed both angels and dev- ils. Which suits you better? - Angels must be prettier than me. I play a devil better. I played Mephistophe- les in Faust. Do you nd it easy to jump into dier- ent characters? - It’s happened many times that I’ve beaten myself up for accepting some roles and not knowing why I needed that. But I’m incomplete without acting. During times when I didn’t act, I felt insignicant and un- necessary. The theatre takes everything, eats you up, drains your strength. Doyouhavesomeluckycharmorritu- al for luck before a show? - I have a ritual for every role. Prior to each performance, I head to make-up and dress in my costume at the same time for both the general rehearsal and the pre-pre- miere. I don’t heckle myself at home and I don’t enter via the main entrance to the the- atre on a day when I’m acting. I used to have a lucky t-shirt, but not any more. Do you choose resources to secure to get to a role? - Hijacked and cursed, I never did that. It’s not a matter of arranging my existence and so needing to grab any engagement. The most popular Serbian actors have al- ways been existentially under threat. What you’ve got is yours and you always get what belongs to you. I can do everything when I want – that’s been your motto since you beat alco- holism? - I haven’t drunk for 17 years. I drank from early childhood to the age of 42. A drunk man does nothing better than a sober man, and he also doesn’t act better, which is a mistak- en belief. Alcohol is the cause of the great- est tragedies of the Serbian nation, not its geopolitical position or politicians. I decid- ed to rid myself of that terrible vice from the
- Six-star Sudoku is my most common and greatest respite. It so overwhelms me that I don’t sleep all night. I’ve decided that in future I’ll only play that during long-haul ights. I love planes. My most beautiful ight was to Mexico. What kind of third age do you imagine? - The acting profession is often humiliat- ing, especially when portraying people with ill health. I won’t let myself go through that on stage. I hope that by the end of my life, at the age of around 77, I will be in Guadalajara, Mexico. That I will be able to sleep on the bal- cony as much as I want in a hammock, drinking and eating all day. During the days that would be stews, while in the evening that would be pork ribs with mariachi music and the com- pany of various ladies. I believe that much of that is possible. What makes it good to be Tihomir Stanić? - That they often confuse me with actor Tihomir Arsić, so I attribute all negative fac- tors to him [laughs]. One homeopath looked into the pupils of my eyes and told me that she recognised in me a kind of people who have long since died out and who could move mountains. I believed her, and my daughter assessed that as me courting that woman. I trust people. Some scam me, but that’s their problem. I’ve lost sometimes, so what?! Peo- ple are better than they show. Bad people are shallow and visible, so I try to avoid them. If there weren’t more good people in the world, everything would have collapsed.
day my daughter told me that her friends had mocked her because I’m a drunkard. I imme- diately sought the help of a neurologist, to avoid falling into a crisis of abstinence, be- cause my father died of internal bleeding on the brain due to a crisis of abstinence. I also drank with him. How devoted to your family are you? - The optimism and character of my younger daughter, Soja Nađe (15), saved me during the toughest times. There’s no greater happiness than seeing my daughters’smiles and when they call me daddy. My elder daugh- ter, Milena Hana, is 27. They are both smarter and better than me. I try to listen to them. They are dierent. When the two of them agree on an opinion about my role, I remember that. The younger one wants to be an actress. I’ll help her out openly. How could somebody else help her if I don’t?! You’ve loutishly tried many things. Do you like challenges? - I check my strength. I haven’t done drugs or experimented emotionally with the same gender. I shorten deadlines when I prepare for my roles, to give my maximum in the shortest possible time. And I don’t pussyfoot around when it comes to addressing problems. That suits me. My younger daughter claims that I’m a man who solves all problems, but that’s not always true. I have a good mechanism around my wishes, and they all came true for me ex- cept my brother not managing to beat cancer. What relaxes you?
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