Elevate May 2019 | Air Serbia

E S   / A S  

ONLAJN PRIJAVA NA LET NA JOŠ PET DESTINACIJA ONLINE CHECKIN FOR FIVE MORE DESTINATIONS ir Serbia’s teams have successfully implemen- ted the option to check-in via the company’s website at five more regional destinations. Pas- sengers flying to Belgrade from Podgorica, Sa- rajevo, Skopje, Tirana and Tivat can now check- in for their Air Serbia flight even before arriving at the airport, via their computer or mobile de- vice. Following this promotion, online check-in is now available at as many as 29 Air Serbia de- stinations. T A ER SRBIJA PETAKOMPANIJA POEFIKASNOSTIUPOTROŠNJI GORIVA I EMISIJI CO AIR SERBIA RANKED FIFTH IN TERMS OF FUEL EFFICIENCY AND CO2 EMISSIONS P imovi Er Srbije uspešno su aktivirali mogućnost prijave na let putem in- ternet stranice kompanije na još pet re- gionalnih destinacija. Putnici koji iz Po- dgorice, Sarajeva, Skoplja, Tirane i Tivta lete ka Beogradu sada se mogu prijavi- ti na svoj let Er Srbijom i pre dolaska na aerodrom, pomoću računara ili mobilnog telefona. Posle ovog unapređenja onlajn ček-in moguć je na 29 destinacija. rema objavljenom godišnjem izvešta-

Leteti je lepše…

ju Međunarodne asoci- jacije za avio-saobraćaj ( IATA), Er Srbija zauzi- ma prvo mesto po efika- snosti potrošnje goriva u grupi kompanija svog ran- ga za 2018. godinu, što je za šest mesta bolja pozi- cija u odnosu na 7. mesto, koje je naša kompanija za- uzimala u 2017. Er Srbija je popravila svoju pozici- ju po efikasnosti potroš- nje goriva i emisiji CO2 u atmosferu i na zbirnoj go- dišnjoj listi svih avio-kom- panija i u 2018. godini za- uzima 5. mesto, u odnosu na 40. mesto, koje je ima- la u 2017. godini. Godišnji IATA izveštaji o efikasno- sti potrošnje goriva i emi- siji CO2 rade se na osnovu redovnog monitoringa po- trošnje goriva i unošenja podataka u poseban IATA program, što je aktivnost koju su tokom prošle godi- ne realizovale Letačka ope- rativa i HSE tim.

Flying is better when you do not wait for your luggage Are you already running late and don’t have time to wait for your luggage to appear on the baggage collection conveyor belt? Mark your luggage with a “Priority” label. This service ensures your luggage will be delivered immediately to the baggage collection point. … kad ne čekate prtljag da čekate da vam prtljag izađe na traci? Er Srbija ima rešenje. Označite svoj prtljag nalepnicom Prioritet . Ta usluga znači da će vaš kofer na traku biti isporučen odmah na početku. Već kasnite, svaka sekunda je dragocena i nemate kad


ccording to the recently published annual report of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Air Ser-

bia ranked first in terms of fuel e™ciency in the group of compa- nies in its category for 2018, which is an improvement of six pla- ces on the 7 th place ranking of our company in 2017. Air Serbia has improved its position on fuel e™ciency and CO2 emissions and ranks 5 th on the aggregate annual list of all airlines, compared to the 40 th place it occupied in 2017. The IATA annual fuel e™cien- cy and CO2 emission reports are based on regular monitoring of fuel consumption and data entry into a separate IATA program- me, an activity that was carried out last year by the Flight Opera- tions and HSE Team.

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