Elevate May 2019 | Air Serbia

E S   / A S   PITANJA ZA NENADA ČEJIĆA, KAPETANA THREE QUESTIONS FOR CAPTAIN NENAD ČEJIĆ 3 Sećate li se svog prvog leta? Put koje destinacije ste išli i šta vam je tada prolazilo kroz glavu? – Ne postoji letač koji se ne seća svog prvog leta. Bio je to dan kada sam započeo letačku obuku, pre skoro 18 godina u tadašnjoj Ja- tovoj pilotskoj akademiji u Vršcu. Sam let je bio informativnog ka- raktera, kada se kandidat upoznaje s avionom i prostorom u okviru kojeg započinje svoju profesionalnu karijeru. Takvo iskustvo se ne zaboravlja. Prilazu kojem aerodromu se najviše radujete i zbog čega? – Svaki prilaz ka nekoj destinaciji je zanimljiv, a i zahtevan na


Prvih 20 kandidata koji su se prijavili na poslednji kon- kurs za nove članove kabinskog osoblja i prošli kroz sve selekcije, dobili su neophodne dozvole Direktorata ci- vilnog vazduhoplovstva. Posle lekarskih pregleda, teo- rijske i praktične obuke u kompaniji, oni će se pridružiti kolegama iz tima kabinskog osoblja Er Srbije. Podsetimo da se na konkurs za nove članove kabinskog osoblja pri- javilo više od 1.400 kandidata, a da će u kompaniju biti primljeno više od 100 novih kolega. The rst twenty candidates to apply, since mid-December 2018, to become members of the Air Serbia cabin crew and pass all assessments have obtained necessary per- mits from the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia. They will join Air Serbia’s cabin crew following me- dical checks and theoretical and practical training within the company. More than 1,400 candidates have applied to become cabin crew members since mid-December 2018, with more than 100 to be hired by the company.

Do you remember your rst ight? Which destination did you travel to and what was going through your head then? ha gledam Šumadiju, koja je prebogata ra- znim bojama u prole- će i leto. svoj način. Najlep- ši su prilazi primor- skim aerodromima, ali ja se svakako naj- lepše osećam kada prilazim aerodromu u Beogradu jer se ta- da vraćam kući i po- rodici. Koji deo Srbije je po vašem mišljenju najlepši iz vazduha? – Poreklom sam iz Banata, pa ako mene pitate, zna- te i sami šta mi je na prvom mestu. Ali uži- vam i da iz vazdu-

NOV MENI U BIZNIS†KLASI Od maja do novembra putnicima u biznis-klasi koji lete ka regionalnim i evromediteranskim destinacijama biće ponuđen nov meni. Istovremeno, na pomenutim letovi- ma u ponudi su i novi sendviči u okviru usluge Prodaja na letu . Putnici biznis-klase na jutarnjim i popodnevnim le- tovima koji traju duže od jednog sata moći će da odabe- ru jedno od dva glavna topla jela uz predjelo i desert. Na letovima koji traju do jednog sata putnici biznis-klase bi- će posluženi hladnim obrocima. U okviru usluge Prodaja na letu putnici će tokom leta moći da odaberu jedan od četiri sendviča i jedan od dva deserta. NEW BUSINESS CLASS MENU Air Serbia’s new six-month menu has been presented to Bu- siness Class passengers aboard our regional and Euro-Medi- terranean ights and will be served from the start of May to the start of November 2019. New sandwiches will also be on oer as part of the Buy-on-Board service, as announced at a recent presentation in Air Serbia Catering’s Blue Room. Busi- ness class guests travelling on morning and afternoon ights lasting longer than one hour will be able to choose one of two warm main courses accompanied by an appetizer and a dessert. Business Class travellers will be served cold meals on ights lasting up to an hour. As part of the Buy-on-Board ser- vice, passengers will be able to choose between one of four sandwiches and two desserts on oer.

- There’s no yer who doesn’t remember their rst ight. That was the day I started ight training nearly 18 years ago at the then Jat Pilot Academy in Vršac. The ight itself was of an informative nature, and during it the candidate was rst introduced to the aircraft and the space within which he was starting his professional career. Such an experience is not forgotten. Which approach to an airport do you enjoy the most and why? - Any approach towards a destination is interesting and demanding in its own way. The most beautiful approaches are to coastal airports, but I certainly feel best when I approach the airport in Belgrade, because it is then that I’m re- turning to my home and family. In your opinion, which part of Serbia is the most beautiful from the air? - I’m originally from Banat, so you already know what I would rank rst if you ask me. But I also enjoy viewing Šumadija from the air, which is rich in vari- ous colours during both spring and summer.

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