Elevate May 2019 | Air Serbia

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D žejmi Lanister je od prve sezone do danas prešao dugačak put, od omra- ženog lika do nekoga za koga navijamo. Sa njim je i Nikolaj Koster Vold0, koji tumači taj lik, putovao sve do statusa holivudske zvezde. Za Ele- vejt ekskluzivno govori o poslednjoj sezoni najvećeg TV spektakla ikada, kao i zašto misli da se takva serija nikada neće ponoviti. Interesantno je da je za šest epizoda bilo potrebno više od godinu dana snimanja... – Da, bilo je potrebno dvaput više vremena da se snimi ovih šest epizoda nego normalna sezona. To je povezano sa obimom onoga što smo za to vreme uradili. To je bez presedana za televiziju, čak i za mnoge filmove, mislim na broj ljudi koji su bili uključeni u snimanje i broj likova u seriji. Snimanje scena sa toliko mnogo ljudi oduzima mnogo vremena. Da li je bilo teško? – U jednom trenutku ekipa je radila više od 50 noći zaredom i dalje su svi imali osmeh na licu. Bila je to luda završna sezona. Ali svi, iza i ispred kamere, bili smo odlučni da se serija završi na pravi način. Jeste li stekli neke posebne veštine? – Bolji sam u jahanju, to je sigurno. Bolji sam u korišćenju leve ruke, ta- kođe. I tehnički postanete bolji u glumi, kad snimate tako dugo, sve bo- lje razumete, tehnički aspekt izvođenja akcionih scena... Kakav je bio vaš poslednji dan, poslednja scena koju ste snimili?


– Ne mogu da govorim o scenama, ali bio je to savršen kraj celog iskustva snimanja ove serije. Prelep dan, Sever- na Irska, sjajna ekipa, sjajne scene. Do ovog trenutka vi- deo sam mnogo oproštajnih govora u seriji i uvek se pitao zašto ljudi postaju toliko emocionalni. Mislio sam da je to smešno i da sam previše

čvrst za to. A onda vam daju ovaj divan ura- mljeni komadić scenarija – moj je bio o tome da mi je ruka odsečena. Na po- zadini su napisali nekoliko lepih reči i odjednom sam osetio ka- ko mi lice postaje mokro. Po- mislio sam: „Bože, mora da sam se prehladio.“ (smeh)

F rom the rst season to the - nale of the series, Jaime Lan-

nister has come a long way – from the most despised character to someone we’re cheer- ing on. Along with him, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who portrays this character, has also come a long way – to the status of a Hollywood star. He spoke ex- clusively for Elevate about the nal season of this biggest ever TV spectacle, and why he thinks that such a series will never be repeated. It is interesting that more than a year was needed to shoot six episodes... - Yes, it took twice as long to shoot these six episodes than to shoot a normal season. This is linked to the volume of things we did during that time. That’s unprecedented for television and even for many lms, in terms of the num- ber of people involved in the shooting and the number of characters in the series. Filming scenes with so many people takes a long time. Was it dicult?

- At one point, the team worked for more than 50 consecutive nights and still had smiles on their faces. That was a crazy nal season. But all of us – both those behind the camera and those in front – were determined to complete the series in the right way. Have you acquired any special skills that you didn’t have? - I’m better at horse riding, that’s for sure. I also use my left hand better. And you become technically better at acting; when you shoot for so long you develop an increasingly bet- ter understanding of the technical aspect of implementing action scenes... What was your last day like; the last scene you shot? - I can’t talk about the scenes, but it was the perfect end to the entire experience of shooting this series. A beautiful day, Northern Ireland, a great team, a great scene. By this point I’ve seen many fare- well speeches in the series, and I always wondered why people become so emotional? I thought that was ridiculous and that I’m too tough for that. And then they give you this beautifully framed section of the script – mine was about the time my hand was severed. On the back they wrote a few beautiful words and I suddenly felt my face becoming wet. I thought: God, I must have caught a cold [laughs].

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