VELIČANSTVENE TVRĐAVE MAGNIFICENT FORTRESSES ČUVARA SRPSKOG DUNAVA SEVEN GUARDIANS OF SERBIA’S DANUBE 7 Tekst/Words: Stefana Pavlović Fotografije/Photography: Zoran Ilić, Mitar Mitrović, Nenad Mihajlović, Vladimir Živojinović, iStock
I tiho, tiho teče Dunav plavi, a na tvrđavi još kuca sat stari, to prolazi vreme, i mi polako s njim, pevao je davno Zvonko Bogdan, samo jedan od mnogih umetnika koji su odali počast ovoj reci, drugoj najvećoj na Starom kontinentu. Vreme, ipak, nemilosrdno teče, a na obalama Dunava širom Srbije vekovima čvrsto i nepokolebljivo stoje drevna utvrđenja kao svedoci burne istorije i dokaz da smo neraskidivo povezani sa prošlošću.
And quietly, quietly ows the Danube blue, and on the fortress the old clock still ticks, it passes through time, and we go slowly with it, sang Zvonko Bogdan long ago, as just one of many artists who’ve paid tribute to this great river, the Old Continent’s second largest. Time, however, passes mercilessly, while for centuries, along the banks of the Danube’s course through Serbia, fortications of bygone times have stood rmly and steadfastly, bearing silent witness to a tumultuous history and proving that we are inextricably linked to the past.
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