SMEDEREVSKA TVRĐAVA Smederevo O pkoljena Dunavom i Jezavom, kao srednjovekovno srp- sko graditeljsko čudo stoji veličanstvena Smederev- ska tvrđava – nekada otelotvorenje u malom slavnog Carigra- da. Ako je verovati predanju, ovaj „vodeni grad“ nastao je po želji Proklete Jerine, inače vizantijske princeze Irine Kantakuzin i su- pruge despota Đurđa Brankovića. Legenda kazuje da je tvrđava nastala tako što je Irina naterala žitelje na kuluk, toliki da su čak i trudnice nosile teško kamenje. Narod je verovao da iz nje zrači „demonska sila“. Smederevski grad građen je kako bi postao no- va srpska prestonica i utvrđeni dvor despota Đurđa koji će odo- leti turskim napadima, a danas nam je ostao kao amanet tog vla- dara i svedočanstvo o stradanju našeg naroda u novijoj istoriji. Naime, Smederevska tvrđava dugo je važila za najlepši i najoču- vaniji srednjovekovni grad, ali je tokom svetskih ratova taj kom- pleks teško bombardovan i ruiniran.
BAČKA TVRĐAVA, Bač U z Dunav se crveni lepa i gorda Bačka tvrđava, više- vekovni, neprikosnoveni čuvar vojvođanske ravnice, po kojoj je ceo plodni region između Dunava i Tise i dobio ime. Do tvrđave iz grada Bač vode krivudave ulice, izvijeni pešački most i kapija Šijak, a da ste na pravom mestu, nepogrešivo će vam pokazati donžon kula, sa čijeg se vrha pruža neverovatan pogled, posebno magičan tokom zalaska sunca. Ovaj lokalitet, u obliku u kojem ga danas poznajemo, nastao je u 14. veku, u doba kralja Karla Roberta Anžujskog. Ipak, na istom mestu po- stojala su različita utvrđenja još od 6. veka, pa je Bačka tvrđa- va preživela i nadživela ratove i prolaske brojnih vojski – Avara, Kelta, Slovena, Turaka, Mađara… To je divna tvrđava na jezeru koje dobija vodu iz Dunava, ima četvorougaoni oblik, sva je sa- zidana od cigle, a i danas osvaja šarmom kojem zub vremena nije naškodio. 7
In the Danube basin, red with beauty and pride, stands Bač Fortress, an en- during, innocuous guard- ian of the Vojvodina plain, named after the whole fertile region of Bačka that lies be- tween the rivers Danube and Tisa. Winding streets lead to the fortress from the town of Bač, a pedestrian extension bridge and the Šijak Gate, and conrming undenia- bly that you are in the right
SMEDEREVO FORTRESS, SMEDEREVO Surrounded by the rivers Danube and Jezava, standing as a wonder of medieval Serbian architecture, is the magnicent Smederevo Fortress – once embodying a miniature of the famous Constantinople. If the tradition of this “waterly city” is to be believed, it was created according to the wish of Despotess Jerina, aka Byz- antine princess Irene Kantakouzene and the wife of Despot Đurađ Branković. According to legend, the fortress was created by the lo- cal people being forced to toil, so much so that even pregnant wom- en were carrying heavy stones. The people believed that emanat- ing from behind her was a “demonic force”. Smederevo Fortress was built to become the new Serbian capital and the fortied court of Despot Đurađ, able to resist Turkish attacks, and today it remains as a testament to this ruler, and a witness to the suering of our people in recent history. Specically, Smederevo Fortress was long known as the most beautiful and best preserved medieval city, but the en- tire complex was heavily bombed and left in ruins during both world wars.
place will be the dungeon tower that oers a stunning view from its roof that’s particularly magical during sunset. This locality emerged, in the form in which we know it today, back in the 14 th century, during the reign of King Charles Robert of Anjou. However, the remains of numerous for- tications on the same site date back to the 6 th century, so Bač Fortress has survived wars and outlived the passing of numerous armies - Avars, Celts, Slavs, Turks, Hungarians... A beautiful fortress on a lake that’s fed by water from the Danube, it is quadrangular in shape and built entirely of brick, and even today it enchants with the charm that the sands of time have not lessened.
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