Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
NAPOMENA Ova ponuda se ne odnosi na put- nike koji lete po ekonomskoj crvenoj i biznis srebrnoj tarifi (Economy Red i Business Silver), kao ni na goste na liniji Beograd–Njujork.
osti Er Srbije koji putuju po ekonomskoj plavoj i beloj ta- rifi (Economy White i Economy Blue) na evromediteranskim linijama od 1. marta mogu da uživaju u novoj uslu- zi Elevate Deli & Bar , u okviru koje će gosti na našim letovima moći da kupe veliki izbor prvoklasne hrane i pića. Ako putujete na kratkim lini- jama, obično do sat vremena (Pod- gorica, Tivat, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Solun, Bukurešti Sofija), možete da birate slatke i sla- ne grickalice, kao i tople i hladne na- pitke, uključujuci našu čuvenu srp- sku rakiju. Na putovanjima koja traju dva ili tri sata (Berlin, Štutgart, Cirih, Beč, Atina, Frankfurt, Prag, Milano i dru- ge destinacije) putnicima će na ras- polaganju biti sendviči i tortilje, sa pršutom, šunkom i sirom, kao i ve- getarijanske opcije. Sve to je od sve- žih lokalnih namirnica pripremio Er Srbija Ketering. G
Osim toga, meni uključuje i po- sebnu ponudu u kojoj čaj ili kafu mo- žete da dobijete uz pakovanje plaz- ma keksa za €2.50 / RSD 300, ili da uz pivo dobijete limenku pringls čip- sa čipsa €4 / RSD 480.
ir Serbia guests travelling on the Economy White and Economy
Guests on short-haul flights lasting up to one hour, such as routes from Belgrade to Podgorica, Tivat, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Lju- bljana, Zagreb, Thessaloniki, Bucharest and Sofia, will be able to choose from a range of sweet and savoury snacks, as well as assort- ed hot and cold drinks, including alcohol-
ic beverages such as Serbia’s famous rakia. For longer, medium-haul flights that take up to two or three hours (such as Berlin, Stuttgart, Zurich Vienna, Athens, Frankfurt, Prague, Milan and other destinations), travel- lers will also be able to buy a range of sand- wiches and wraps, including prosciutto, ham and cheese, and a vegetarian option, all lov- ingly prepared using fresh local ingredients by Air Serbia Catering. In addition, the menus include special deals such as a tea or coffee paired with Plaz- ma biscuits for €2.50 / RSD 300, or a beer with Pringles potato chips for €4 / RSD 480.
Blue fares can look forward to enjoying a new catering service called Elevate Deli & Bar from 1 st March, which offers a selection of great value food and drinks for purchase onboard a flight.
NOVI MENI NA LETOVIMA ZA NJUJORK Od početka marta do kraja maja pred gostima na prekookeanskim letovima su i novi tromeseč- ni jelovnici. Na jutarnjim letovima za Njujork od glavnih jela izdvajaju se burito sa povrćem i čili sosom, kao i burek sa mesom i kiselim mlekom. Na podnevnim letovima gostima se nude biftek, brancin i njoke u sosu od parmezana. Na meniju su, pored uobičajenih predjela, i file lososa, roz- bif sa balsamiko sosom i pilavom i ravioli sa si- rom, spanaćem i parmezanom.
NEW MENU ON FLIGHTS TO NEW YORK A new three-month menu will be introduced from March for guests flying to and from New York. On the morning flights from Belgrade to New York, guests will be able to choose from a vegetable burrito with chili sauce or a meat burek with sour milk. Those flying in the afternoon can look forward to a beefsteak, sea bass or gnocchi in a parmesan sauce. Travellers will have a choice of a salmon fillet, roast beef with balsamic sauce and pilaf, and ravioli with cheese, spinach and parmesan sauce.
This new service does not apply to passengers travelling in Economy Red or Business Silver, where a meal is included in the fare, nor to guests flying on the Bel- grade-New York route.
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