The inflight magazine of Air Serbia
the Sky over berlin Nebo Nad berliNom drugačije / different
Moda: Sve boje novog proleća / Fashion: all colors oF the new spring • Marina abraMović Se vraća kući / Marina abraMović returns hoMe • Sve tajne najveće SrpSke dinaStije / all the secrets oF serbia’s greatest dynasty • rtanj, tajanStvena teraSa Srbije / rtanj, serbia’s Mysterious terrace intervju / interview: dulse ponteš (dulce pontes), bora đorđević
Fotografija na naslovnoj strani: Hugo Cattelain / Getty images Cover page photo: Hugo Cattelain / Getty images
Gradovi Cities
Ne vode baš svi putevi u Rim Not all roads lead to Rome Ritam grada Kulturne baze Novog Sada Rhythm of the town Cultural base of Novi Sad
Berlin u fokusu Berlin in focus
26 Veselo modno proleće Joyful spring of fashion
Najveća kulturna ekstravaganca The greatest cultural extravaganza
104 ― 129
Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
Er Srbija obeležila 90 godina od svog prvog leta
Air Serbia commemorates 90 years since first flight Elevate Deli Elevate Deli & Bar: New inflight food and drinks service Er Srbija na Sajmu
& Bar : Ponuda hrane i pića u avionima
Air Serbia at the Belgrade Tourism Fair 3 pitanja za kapetana Nikolu Ćuluma
Three questions for
captain Nikola Ćulum 10 projekata koji će promeniti Beograd
10 projects that will change Belgrade Zaposleni Er
Sejšela očistili stazu Morn Blank Jet Airways: Joy of Giving Programme
Air Seychelles staff clear Morne Blanc trail Džet ervejz: Radost poklanjanja
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