Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
Put koje destinacije najviše volite da letite? – U ovom poslu sam punih 38 godina i posle to- liko godina letenja nemam neku omiljenu destina- ciju. Ali na početku karijere Skijatos i Santorini su mi bili interesantni jer imaju komplikovane prilaze, kratke i uzane piste koje su zahtevnije za nas pilote. Zašto piloti kažu da se sigurnije osećaju u avio- nu nego u automobilu, vozu ili na brodu? – Zato što je u vazduhu sigurnije. Nema ljudi u alkoholisanom stanju i onih koji prolaze kroz crve- no svetlo, pa je manja mogućnost da vas neko uda- ri. Sve zavisi od vas samih, to jest od vaše sposob- nosti i brzine reakcije. Šta vam putnici najčešće kažu nakon leta? – Bravo, majstore, i svaka čast. To mi često govo- re kad je neka oluja i nevreme jer tad budu srećni i zahvalni što smo bezbedno sleteli.
ER SRBIJA NA SAJMU TURIZMA AIR SERBIA AT THE BELGRADE TOURISM FAIR E r Srbija predstavila je novi koncept tarifa, kao i kon- cept prodaje u avionu, na nedavnom Sajmu turizma (22–25. februara), a posetioci su ujedno imali sjajnu prili- ku da kupe jeftinije karte, osvoje besplatna putovanja do određenih destinacija ili dobiju popust za neki od nared- nih letova s Er Srbijom. Za četiri dana sajma, Er Srbija je ponudila promotiv- ne cene do gradova u svojoj mreži, a svaki dvadeseti ku- pac dobio je besplatne povratne karte do Diseldorfa, Mi- lana, Moskve, Štutgarta ili Venecije. Ni to nije bilo sve, jer je svaki stoti kupac osvojio povratnu kartu do Njujorka. Na štandu nacionalne avio-kompanije goste je dočekiva- lo ljubazno kabinsko osoblje i predstavnici Er Srbije koji su rado odgovarali na sva pitanja o proizvodima i usluga- ma i iskoristili priliku da zainteresovanima dodatno obja- sne nov tarifni sistem. Četrdeseti beogradski sajam turizma, najprestižniji u jugoistočnoj Evropi i najveći u regionu, i privlači više od 800 izlagača i oko 50.000 gostiju.
ir Serbia has recently participated in the Belgrade Tourism Fair, held between 22 nd and 25 th February, where the airline pre-
Which is your favourite destination to fly to? - I’ve been in this job for a full 38 years, and after so many years of flying I don’t have a favourite destination. But at the be- ginning of my career I found Skiathos and Santorini interesting, because the approach to them is complicated and they both have short, narrow runways that are more demanding for pilots. Why do pilots say that they feel safer on a plane than in a car, in a train or on a boat? - Because it’s safer in the air. There are no people under the influence of alcohol or those who pass red traffic lights, so there is less chance of someone hitting you. Everything depends on you personally, i.e. on your capabilities and reaction speed. What do guests most commonly say to you after a flight? - Bravo, maestro, and well done. They often say that to me when there has been some storm and inclement weath- er, because it is then that they are happy and grateful to have landed safely.
sented its new fare structure and‘buy on board’catering service.Vis- itors had a chance to learn more about branded fares, win free tick- ets to a range of exciting destinations, and receive a discount code for their next journey with Air Serbia. During the four-day event, every 20 th visitor who bought a tick- et at Air Serbia’s stand received a return ticket to either Düsseldorf, Milan, Moscow, Stuttgart or Venice, while every 100 th buyer won a return ticket to New York. Visitors to Air Serbia’s stand were greeted by a team of friendly cabin crew and sales representatives who answered questions about the carrier’s products and services, as well as explained the recent- ly-introduced fare structure. Now in its 40 th edition, Belgrade Tourism Fair is the premiere travel and tourism show in southeast Europe. As the biggest trav- el fair in the region, it attracts more than 800 exhibitors and 50,000 guests every year.
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