Fantomska nit na Festu Pretposlednjeg dana beogradskog filmskog festival Fest, 2. marta, u Velikoj dvorani Centra Sava , biće prikazan dugoočekivani film Fantomska nit. U glamuroznom posle- ratnom Londonu pedesetih godina prošlog veka čuveni modni kreator, zakleti neže- nja, sreće Almu, koja ubrzo postaje opsesija njegovog života… Film je režirao Pol To- mas Anderson, a glavne uloge tumače fenomenalni Danijel Dej Luis i Viki Krips. Phantom Thread at FEST The penultimate day of this year’s Belgrade Film Festival, FEST, 2 nd March, wi- ll see the Great Hall of the Sava Centre host a screening of the long-awaited film Phantom Thread. In the glamorous post-war London of the 1950s, a celebrated fashion designer and sworn bachelor meets Alma, who soon becomes his obse- ssion... The film was directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, while the lead roles are played by the phenomenal Daniel Day-Lewis and Vicky Krieps.
Share Square U Beogradu je otvoren
Guitar Art festival Devetnaesto po redu izdanje Guitar Art festivala održaće se od 16. do 21. mar- ta pod sloganom Be connected. Festi- val od ove godine predstavlja još jed- nu novu aktivnost – Belgrade Guitar Day, koji će se održati 17. marta na Trgu re- publike i koji će okupiti više hiljada gita- rista. Više informacija o programu i festi- valskom rasporedu može se pronaći na Guitar Art Festival The 19 th edition of the Guitar Art Fe- stival will take place from 16 th to 21 st March under the slogan “Be Conne- cted”. As of this year, this festival also presents another new event – Belgra- de Guitar Day, which will take place on 17 th March on the city’s Republic Squa- re and will bring together several tho- usand guitarists. For more information about the festival programme and sc- hedule, visit
Share Square, kafić u ko- jem ne morate da platite kafu ili mafin, već vreme koje ste u njemu proveli. U sklopu tog vremena mo- žete piti kafe, sokova i jesti slatkiša koliko vam je volja. Plaćate sate koje provodite u prostoru od 600 kvadra- ta u popularnom delu gra- da Savamali. Moderni am- bijent zamišljen je da se koristi kao otvoreni prostor za rad ili uživanje. Ipak, tu možete da steknete nova znanja. Svako može da se prijavi da drži ili sluša časo- ve, a korisnicima su na ras- polaganju četiri specijali- zovane učionice, moderno opremljenu kuhinja, soba za IT i soba za muziku.
Share Square Belgrade has welcomed its own Share Square, a café where you don’t need to pay for coffee or muffins, rather the time you spend there. During that time, you can drink coffee or juices and eat sweets to your heart’s content. You spend by the hour for the time you spend in this 600-square-metre venue in the city’s po- pular Savamala neighbourhood. The modern ambience has been designed in or- der for this café to be used as an open space for work or pleasure. You can also attend a course there and acquire new knowledge. Everyone can sign up to le- ad or attend classes, with users able to take advantage of four specialised classro- oms, including a modern-equipped kitchen, IT room and music room.
Čikaške perverzije slave 25. rođendan Izvođenjem 10. marta u Velikoj dvorani beogradskog Centra Sava hit predstava Čikaške perverzije slavi 25 godina. Toliko dugo se priča o ljubavi, o prijateljstvu, o odnosima između že- na i muškaraca, a to su teme za sva vremena. Rađena po mo- tivima drame čuvenog Dejvida Memeta Seksualne perverzi- je u Čikagu, predstava u režiji Omara Abua el Ruba premijerno je izvedena 9. marta 1993. u Jugoslovenskom dramskom pozo- rištu u Beogradu. Chicago Perversity celebrates 25 th birthday The hit show “Chicago Perversity” will celebrate its 25 th anni- versary with the 10 th March performance in the Great Hall of Belgrade’s Sava Centre. For a quarter of a century it has spo- ken about love, friendship and relations between women and men. And these are timeless themes. Developed on the basis of the themes of David Memet’s famous drama “Sexual Perver- sity in Chicago”, the show, under the direction of Omar Abu El Rub, premiered on 9 th March 1993 at the Yugoslav Drama The- atre in Belgrade.
Vatre Anadolije u Centru Sava
Fire of Anatolia at the Sava Centre
Legendarna turska plesna grupa Fire of Anatolia sa čuvenim umetničkim direk- torom Mustafom Erdoganom na čelu nastupiće 7. marta u Centru Sava. Pred- stava sadrži kombinaciju turske kulture i istorijskog narodnog plesa iz različitih područja Turske, uz savremeni ples, ba- let i akrobatske elemente.
Legendary Turkish dance group “Fire of Anatolia”, led by renowned artistic director Mustafa Erdogan, will perform at Belgrade’s Sava Centre on 7 th March. The show com- prises a combination of Turkish culture and historical folk dances from different regions of Turkey, accompanied by contemporary dance, ballet and acrobatic elements.
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