Scena / The Scene
ŠTA BI REKAO DEGA Impresionizam je rođen u studiju čuvenog fo- tografa koji je dozvolio da mladi slikari okupljeni u udruženje nepoznatih umetnika, slikara, vajara, grafičara i drugih izlože svoja dela. Veza impresio- nizma i fotografije ostala je neraskidiva od te prve izložbe do danas. U drugoj polovini 19. i početkom 20. veka na impresioniste je veoma uticala fotogra- fija, a na fotografe danas, ako je suditi prema foto- grafiji pred vama, uticaj teče iz pravca slikarstva. Slikari su težili da zabeleže trenutak i pokret na način na koji je to činio fotoaparat. A opet, že- leli su i da pobegnu iz te monotonije crnog i be- log, pa je počela neverovatna, do tada neviđena igra bojama i svetlom. Baš bojama su impresio- nisti uspeli da sačuvaju značaj slike i spreče da je fotografija u potpunosti zameni sliku. Ali fotograf Mitar Mitrović nam je na ovoj slici pokazao da je moguć i obrnut proces. On je jednoj uobičajenoj fotografiji kišnog podneva u Knez Mi- hailovoj ulici u Beogradu udahnuo duh impresio- nizma primenjujući tehniku produžene ekspozici- je. Igra svetla se nastavlja, a granice brišu…
Impressionism was born in the studio of a famous pho- tographer who permitted young painters gathered in the “Association of Unknown Artists, Painters, Sculptors, Graph- ic Artists and Others”to exhibit their works.The connection between impressionism and photography has remained unbreakable since that first exhibition to this day. In the second half of the 19 th and the early 20 th centuries, pho- tography had a great impact on the impressionists, while the influences on photography today, judging by the pho- tograph in front of you, flow from the direction of fine art. The impressionist painters sought to record the mo- ment and movement in the same way as the camera. Yet they also wanted to escape its black and white monoto- ny, which led to the start of an incredible and unprece- dented dance of colours and light. It was precisely by us- ing colours that impressionists succeeded in preserving the importance of paintings and preventing the photo- graphic image from completely replacing painted pictures. But with this picture photographer Mitar Mitrović shows us that it is also possible to reverse the process. With the use of the technique of prolonged exposure, he breathed the spirit of impressionism into an ordinary photograph of a rainy midday on Belgrade’s Knez Mihailova Street. The dance of light continues, and the boundaries are erased...
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