6 5 MO NA JARKA PALETA Ako imate dovoljno poverenja u modnu kreatorku Roksandu, ove sezone nećete se uzdržati od nošenja garderobe u jakim pri- marnim bojama. Da, bićete u centru pa- žnje i moraćete da promislite svaki komad koji stavite na sebe, ali ako znate i ho- ćete, efekat će biti neodoljiv. Jedna boja od glave do pete ili kombinacija mode- la u nekoliko jakih boja, takozvani ko- lor-blok, sve je u igri. NOSI EMO PLASTIKU? Prošle jeseni, Raf Simons kreirao je mo- dele od vinila za jesen. Krajnje neočeki- vano, ideju su prihvatili mnogi, ali su je sproveli sezonu kasnije – u prolećnim ko- lekcijama, od nekad aktuelnih pelerina, do haljina i čizmica. Modeli deluju neoče- kivano i futuristički, ali da li će zaista za- živeti na ulicama, tek ćemo videti. Noge će verovatno ostati suve, ali zamaglje- ne čizme nisu baš izazovne, osim u Ve- neciji, na Trgu Svetog Marka, ako je pred- viđena kiša. POWERFUL VIBRANT PALETTE If you have sufficient trust in fashion designer Roksanda, you won’t avoid wearing outfits with strong primary colours this season. Yes, you will be at the centre of attention and will have to consider every piece you wear, but if you know how and have the desire, the effect will be irresistible. One col- our from head to toe or a combination of pieces in several strong colours, as a so-called colour block, everything is in play.
PENCIL SKIRTS, ALWAYS AND FOREVER Balenciaga and Hermes built their col- lections around the irresistible pencil skirt. You may think it impossible to in- novate such a classic again and again, breathing freshness and modernity in- to the design, but try it with little socks and shoes with whale heels and an ul- tramodern upper part, like a sweat- shirt or translucent blouse. Regardless Balensijaga i Hermes izgradili su svoje kolekcije oko neodoljive pensil-suknje. Mislite da je nemoguće jedan takav klasik inovirati iznova i iznova i udah- nuti mu dašak svežine i savremenosti? Probajte sa čarapicama uz cipele sa ki- ten-štiklom i ultramodernim gornjim delom, recimo duksom ili transparen- tnom bluzom. Kako god da je ponesete, krajnji rezultat je uvek prefinjen izgled.
| 29 of how you wear it, the end result is al- ways a sophisti- cated look. 7
WILL WE WEAR PLASTIC? Last autumn saw Raf Simons create autum- nal pieces from vinyl. Beyond all expecta- tion, the idea was accepted by many, but they were implemented a season later - in the spring collections. From the once current pelerine capes, to dresses and ankle boots. The pieces appear unexpected and futur- istic, but we have yet to see whether they will really come to life on the streets. Legs are likely to remain dry, but vapoury boots aren’t really challenging except in Venice, on St Mark’s Square, if rain is forecast.
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