ČARAPE U GLAVNOJ ULOZI Sokne su nas osvojile i nosićemo ih i dalje, uz sandale ili ci- pele. Što upadljivije, neobičnije i originalnije, to bolje. Ipak, sa ovim trendom nema šale, tanka je linija između šik i šok kombinacije. Novitet su različite čarape, takozvane raspa- rene, kao i dokolenice, koje vešto koketiraju sa ženstve- no-školskim izgledom. SOCKS IN THE MAIN ROLE Socks have won us over and we still wear them, alongside san- dals or shoes. The more striking, unusual and original, the bet- ter. However, with this trend there is no joke: there’s a thin line between chic and shock combinations. A new trend is differ- ing socks, so-called odd socks, as well as knee-length ones that flirt skilfully with the womanly-schoolgirl look. TRI MINI-TRENDA THREE MINI TRENDS
0 DÉCOLLETÉ – BOTH DEEP AND WIDE DEKOLTEI - I DUBOKI I ŠIROKI Poput filmskih diva starog Holivuda, ponesite model koji naglašava dekolte. To može da bude i obična be- la košulja. Nove verzije ima- ju širi vratni izrez, koji deluje glamurozno. Klasičnoj košulji otkopčajte jedno dugme vi- še i dobićete isti efekat.
DRAPIRAJTE SVE ŠTO MOŽETE Vragolasti volani, nezaobi- lazni prošle godine, nisu baš demode, ali definitivno su ih potisnuli drapirani mode- li. Od majica, bluza, suknji i haljina do pantalona. Ako ih pametno izaberete, eto jed- nog modela koji prikriva i poneki višak ili nabor.
The writhing steering wheels of the unavoidable previous year are not totally out of fashion, but they are definitely being pushed by draped models. From t-shirts, blouses, skirts and dresses to trousers. If you select them wise- ly you will have a piece that also covers some surplus or blemish.
Like the film divas of old Hollywood, wear a piece that highlights the neck- line. This can even be a plain white shirt. The new versions have a wider neckline that has a glam- orous effect. Unbutton a classic shirt one button lower and you will gain the same effect.
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