It is a prayer that can be sad and can be happy as well, depending on what fa- do you are singing. There are humoristic fados as well. Don´t confuse a “pop-fa- do” because there is a Portuguese-gui- tar playing behind and a certain melis- ma in the voice. Than people will be able to like it or not. Anyway, listen to Amália Rodrigues to understand what I try to express before. You have worked with many great artists like Cesária Évora, Carreras, Dalaras, Bocelli, Morricone... Do you recall any of them for some special reason? - It is not an easy question to answer to, but I always like to recall to maestro Ennio Morricone, as he is the one who teached me many aspects of being inside the mu- sic, serving it and not using it, as no one else. Working with Morricone was amaz- ing privilege as I love his music and him as a person so much it is impossible to try to describe it. Your music is inspired by influences from all over the world. Where are you taking us with the new Peregri- nacao album? - For me music is always a journey, a path, a search to find sound to connect souls. It is the deepest expression of spirituality. It is like water, flows no matter walls or dif- ferences and reaches destiny, as we all are part of a big one and at the same time, on- ly little grains of sand. The fado you offer has a specific ex- pression. How would you describe your music? - Sure I love to sing fado but one of my biggest inspirations is Portuguese Folclore with the infinitude of influenc- es trough years of history and contact with so many different cultures. Also classical music plays an important role as my pro- cess of composition starts in the piano most of the times. Your interpretation of the song "Canção do Mar" became the most performed Portuguese song of all time. What is its secret? - It is a beautiful strong song that I loved since I was a child. There is no se- cret, just the truth. If you were to invite our readers to vis- it Portugal, how would you increase their interest in your country? - Come to the countryside of Portugal: Alentejo, Beiras, Douro and Trás-os-Montes. You will see nature so bright and pure as the people that live there. What would you like to say to the au- dience who will come to your concert? - Let´s have a great time together and
ter, he introduced me to fado. I remember I loved to play the vinyl records and there were many at home of all genres. I felt com- pletely in love with classical music, espe- cially with piano pieces (piano was my first voice ), and also associated with classical dance, as I felt so touched first time I saw Nureyev dancing. My dream by that age was to dance like him. I never thought I would become a singer. Many say that you deserve a lot of credit for the fact that fado is a mu- sic form that is adored all around the world? That you and Madrede- us raised this beautiful type of mu- sic from oblivion... - After Amália Rodrigues there was a lap of time, no one from Portugal was known outside. Madredeus continued to open bor-
ders and I have followed a few years later. I would say not only fado, but Portuguese music with a very special identity. Why should people like and listen to fado? - Music from Portugal is not only fado, folclore is much more ancient, so ancient it is difficult to find the roots: from Brazil to Africa, Celtic influences, Mourish as well and it would be real- ly important that legacy would contin- ue through generations. Today fado be- came fashionable, that is something I don´t like at all. No oneknows anymore what is fado about and for sure is not an overdramatic expression with a cry- ing women behind making long pauses between notes, so long that you could go out and drink a coffee in between.
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