Berlin u fokusu / Berlin in focus
U baroknim baštama ili sobama Šarlotenburga lako je zamisliti prusku kraljicu Sofiju Šarlotu kako svira čembalo ili razgovara na četiri jezi- ka sa filozofima, piscima i kompozitorima, ko- je je rado pozivala u svoju luksuznu rezidenciju. Šarlotenburg, nazvan po samoj kraljici na- kon njene smrti, jedna je od znamenitosti Ber- lina koje se moraju videti, jedinstven doživljaj putovanja kroz vreme na luksuzni pruski dvor. Dok prolazite kroz gizdave sobe, ređaju se dra- gulji iz pruskih kruna, carske oznake, zlatni i sre- brni escajg i desetine netaknutih sevisa za ruča- vanje od najfinijeg porcelana. Posebnu pažnju privlači neverovatna kolekcija ukrasnih kutija za duvan, koje je sakupljao Fridrih Veliki. Osim dvorca, u kompleksu se nalaze i mauzolej, Belve- dere, novo krilo i nekoliko muzeja.
I t is easy to imagine Prussian Queen Sofia in Charlottenburg’s Baroque gardens or rooms, playing the harpsichord or convers- ing in four languages with philosophers, writers and compos- ers, who she was happy to invite to her luxurious residence. Charlottenburg, named after the Queen herself following her death, is one of Berlin’s must-see landmarks, offering a unique journey through time, into the luxurious Prus- sian court. As you wander through the exquisite rooms, you are presented with jewels from Prussian crowns, imperial markings, gold and silver cutlery, and dozens of untouched tableware dinner services made of the finest porcelain. A particularly attractive feature is the unbelievable collection of decorative tobacco boxes collected by Frederick the Great. Apart from the main castle, the complex also includes the Mausoleum, Bel- vedere, a new wing and several museums.
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