Tekst / Words: Jelena Galešić Fotografije / Photography: Arhiva / Archive
B erlin. Grad koji ima sve. Ži- va metropola, puna istorije i kontrasta, u koju se sliva- ju ljudi sa svih strana sve- ta. Na svakom ćošku čeka neka dru- ga kultura. Bez obzira na to ko ste, odakle dolazite, kako izgledate, Ber- lin će vas prihvatiti, jer upravo je ra- zličitost ono što nemačku presto- nicu čini tako posebnom. Berlin svojim gostima nudi razne barove, kafee, restorane, a i pregršt umet- nosti, kulture, prirode. Čak i za Berlince uvek postoji nešto novo za istraživanje. Ovaj deli vodopad u gradu? Ako niste, definitivno treba da posetite park Viktorija u srcu Kroj- cberga, jednog od naj- življih berlinskih kvartova. Popnite se na brdo u parku i videćete spektakularnu panoramu centralnog i južnog dela grada. Ov- de je i Pruski nacionalni spomenik posvećen oslobodilačkim ratovima poznatog arhitekte Karla Fridriha Šinkela. BENEDIKT Ako tragate za stajliš i udobnom lokacijom za doručak, Benedikt, sme- šten u Šarlotenburgu, pravo je me- sto. Ovde ćete probati tipičan nemač- ki doručak, ali i delikatesne kreacije internacionalne kuhinje. Najpozna- tiji je po palačinkama, ali pošto radi 24 sata sedam dana u nedelji, u Be- nediktu možete nešto da prezaloga- jite i u ponoć. grad se neprestano me- nja i nikada ne može da dosadi. PARK VIKTORIJA Da li ste nekada vi-
B erlin – the city that has everything. A vibrant metropolis filled with history and contrasts, where people from all over the world converge. Here you can experience different cultures at every turn. No mat- ter who you are, where you’re from or how you look, everyone is accepted in Berlin, and its diversity is what makes the German capital so special. Berlin of- fers its guests a variety of different bars, cafés and restaurants. Apart from them, it is also filled with art, culture and na- ture. Even the locals can always find new things to explore; Berlin is constantly changing and nev- er boring. VIKTORIAPARK Have you ever seen a waterfall in a city? If not, you should definitely visit Vikto- riapark, which is situated at the heart of Kreuzberg, one of Berlin’s most vibrant dis- tricts. Climb to the top of this hilly park and you will get a spec- tacular panoramic view encompass- ing much of the central and southern parts of the city. The Prussian Nation- al Monument for the Liberation Wars, designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, is also right here. BENEDICT If you are seeking a stylish and cosy location for breakfast, Benedict is the place to go. Situated in Char- lottenburg, here you can sample German delicacies as well as in- ternational breakfast options. This venue is most renowned for its de- licious pancakes. However, Ben- edict also has you covered if you are looking for a midnight snack, with its 24/7 service.
Moje ime je Jelena, imam 23 godine i rođena sam u Berlinu. Živim u ovom fenomenalnom gradu čitav život, poznajem toliko njegovih različitih lica. Drago mi je da s vama mogu da podelim listu svojih 10 omiljenih mesta. Možete da me zapratite na Instagramu (@lelaa.ga) ako želite da saznate još novosti, a volela bih i da čujem kako vam se dopao Berlin.
My name is Jelena. I’m 23 years old and was born in Berlin. I know this fabulous city inside out, having lived here my whole life. After experiencing so many different facets of Berlin, I am happy to share with you a list of my ten favourite places. Please also follow me on Instagram (@lelaa.ga) for my latest updates. I would be happy to hear your thoughts and opinions of Berlin from over there.
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