Nemanjići su bili vladari u pokretu, koji su stalno nadzirali teritoriju kojom vladaju. Oni su u najboljem smislu te reči, sa svim usponima i padovima, pobedama i porazima, pravi srednjovekovni alfa tim.
The Nemanjićs were rulers on the move, who constantly oversaw the territory they ruled. They are, in the best sense of the terms, with all their rises and falls, victories and defeats, a real medieval alpha team.
Tekst / Words: Jelena Vukelić, Tamara Ognjević Fotografije / Photography: Arhiva / Archive
V eliki su ktitori, svesni da vladar mora da investira u spasenje sopstvene du- še. Istovremeno su i za- konodavci, koji iako srednjovekov- no strogi, imaju poseban osećaj za one najslabije među sobom. Njiho- vu vojsku uglavnom čine plaćenici, profesionalci iz svih delova Evrope, ali i iz Azije. Žene se, veoma promišljeno, princezama i plemkinjama sa Isto- ka i Zapada, jer su svesni da je vla- darski brak pre svega politički akt koji treba da ojača njihova stremlje- nja. Oni su ratnici, ali i diplomati. Odlično znaju da moraju da vlada- ju i državom i Crkvom kako bi nji- hova moć bila potpuna, otuda goto- vo uvek jednog sina postavljaju za vladara, a drugog za crkvenog po- glavara. Brojni izvori iz epohe ned- vosmisleno ukazuju da su i te ka- ko dobro obavešteni o aktuelnim političkim, kulturnim i društvenim kretanjima. Pogrešno bi bilo pomisliti da su Nemanjići bili idealni. Nisu. Za da- našnje shvatanje politike i etike oni su autokrati, beskompromisni, osva- jači, na trenutke drakonski strogi i nepopustljivi. Međutim, svi navede- ni momenti primereni su vremenu u kojem su živeli.
G reat benefactors, with aware- ness for the fact that a ruler must invest in the salvation of his own soul. They were simul- taneously also lawmakers, who, although strict in the medieval way, had a special feeling for the weakest among them. Their army mostly comprised mercenaries, pro- fessional fighters from all parts of Europe, but also Asia. They very deliberately married prin- cesses and noblewomen from the East and the West, well aware that marriage among rulers was above all a political act that should serve to strengthen their aspi- rations. They were warriors, but also dip- lomats. They had excellent knowledge of the fact that they had to rule both the state and the church, in order for their power to be complete, which is why they almost al- ways made one son the ruler and another the ecclesiastical leader. Numerous sourc- es from the epoch indicate unambiguous- ly that they were extremely well informed about current political, cultural and social movements. It would be wrong to think that the Nemanjićs were ideal. They were not. Ac- cording to today’s understanding of politics and ethics, they were uncompromising au- tocrats, conquerors, at times showing dra- conian and unrelenting harshness. How- ever, all of these factors were appropriate for the times in which they lived.
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