Volim što kod nas postoji sve više specijaliteta svetskih kuhinja, ali bih mnogo volela da se u restoranima umesto rukole i grčke salate na meniju nađe moravska salata od paprika iz Niša ili kiseli kupus, preliven uljem i posut mlevenom ljutom paprikom iz Vojvodine... M oja baka Vida je bila totalno u fazonu zdra- ve ishrane. Skoro da ne mogu da se setim niti jednog slatkiša koji nam je ona pra- vila tokom nedelje. Pitu bundevaru ne ra- čunam. A ni bundevu iz rerne. U sećanju su mi jasno ostali zacrtani keksići poput vanilica koji su se spre- mali za praznike i uvek se čuvali u sobi koja se ne gre- je, pa je ta soba mirisala na vanilu i džem. I dan-da- nas to su mi jedni od omiljenih kolača i obožavam da ih pripremam, ali sa malim modifikacijama. Koristim speltino brašno i pečene orahe i uvek oduševim go- ste. Klasika, čak i kada joj malo promenimo ruho, oba- vezno osvaja srca. Milica, moja mama, bila je popustljivija što se ti- če jela. Ona bi na zdravo kuvanje znala umesiti kiflice. Tih osamdesetih godina ona je bila mlada domaćica, malo je promenila navike stečene od baka Vide, pa je volela da eksperimentiše sa raznim žitaricama, sočivi- ma... Kolače i torte je mama pravila, to se sećam. Nisu mi bili po volji jer sam bila više tip za slaninu, kulen i rusku salatu, koja je i dalje obavezna na stolu za svako slavlje. Kako je poreklom Crnogorka, pite su bile i osta- le sastavni deo našeg nedeljnog menija. Malo šta može da mi pruži zadovoljstvo kao parče dobre pite sa krom- pirom ili mamina pogača koju peče za Božić. Imam nje- ne recepte i probala sam da ih koristim, ali nikako ne mogu da postignem efekat kao kada ih ona pripremi.
I like the fact there are more specialities of world cuisine appearing in our country, but I would like to see restaurants – instead of rocket and Greek salad – including Moravian salad made of peppers from Niš on their menus, or pickled cabbage, doused with oil and sprinkled with ground hot peppers from Vojvodina... M y granny Vida was totally into healthy nutrition. I can barely recall a single dessert that she made for us during the week. I don’t count pumpkin pie. Nor pumpkin baked in the oven. In my memories I clearly recall the little cookies, like vanilla cakes, that they pre- pared for the holidays and always kept in a room that wasn’t heated, so that it always smelled of vanilla and jam. And to this day they remain one of my favourite cakes and I adore prepar- ing them, though with slight modifications. I use wholegrain spelt flour and baked walnuts, and they always delight guests. A classic that, even when we slightly change its style, always conquers hearts. Milica, my mother, was more laidback when it comes to food. She knew how to add bread buns to healthy cooking. Back then in the 1980s, when she was a young housewife, she slightly changed the habits she’d acquired from granny Vida, experimenting with various cereals, lentils etc. I remember that mum made buns and cakes. They weren’t to my liking, because I was more of the type that likes bacon, spicy salami and Russian salad, which is still an obligatory part of the table spread for every celebration. As she was of Montenegrin origin, pies were and remained an integral part of our weekly menu. There are few things that can bring me satisfaction like a slice of good pie with potato or mother’s corn- bread which she bakes for Christmas. I have her recipes and have tried to make them, but I can never get the same effect like when she prepares them for me. That’s why the basis for my cooking is mostly my mother’s cuisine, which I have redefined and en-
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