Zato u osnovi mog kuvanja najviše ima mamine kuhinje, koju sam pre- krojila i obogatila ukusima zemalja u koje sam putovala. Tako je pita krompiruša postala pida sa krompirom i jajima (inspi- risana turskim pidama), a mamina pogača obogaćena mačom podseća me na moj omiljeni grad Hongkong i mlečno pecivo koje sam tamo obo- žavala da jedem. Čini mi se da je trenutno srp- ska kuhinja predstavljena kroz ro- štilj, karađorđevu šniclu i pomfrit. Mnogo mi je žao što je tako, ali mi- slim da se stvari polako menjaju na- bolje. Volim što kod nas postoji sve više namirnica i restorana svetskih kuhinja, ali bih mnogo volela da u restoranu srpske kuhinje kao pre- djelo vidim uštipke, prave, kakve su pravile naše bake. Ili umesto rukole i grčke salate, da se na meniju nađe moravska salata od paprika iz Ni- ša ili kiseli kupus, preliven uljem i posut mlevenom ljutom paprikom iz Vojvodine... Volim nove poslastičarnice u kojima se mogu probati francuski kolači i razne delicije, ali nedosta- ju mi jednostavne poslastičarnice u kojima se mogu pojesti sutlijaš i šamrolne. Iznad svega, u modernim poslastičarnicama mi strašno nedo- staje sladoled malaga, to jest punč, koji je ranije bio naš zaštitni znak. Bitno je da otvorimo vrata no- vim ukusima i stranim kuhinjama. Baš bitno! Ali još je važnije da na- stavimo da pričamo o našoj tradici- onalnoj kuhinji, o bakinim i mami- nim receptima i svim onim jelima koja su deo nas i da to implemen- tiramo u menije restorana. U Srbiji se stvarno pravi dobar roštilj, plje- skavice i ćevapčići, ali naša kuhi- nja je mnogo, mnogo više od toga. Hrana me inspiriše da stva- ram. Ukusi i mirisi mi daju ideje za priče, fotografije, druženja. Pri- zemljuje me, pomaže da usporim i osvestim trenutak. Kod mene sve počinje njome. KO JE NEVENA Nevena Zelunka Cvijetić je food bloger- ka. Hleb i lale je blog o jednostavnom životu, hrani i fotografiji. Naziv je dobio po njenom omiljenom italijanskom fil- mu Silvija Soldinija Pane e tulipani. Ispo- stavilo se kao savršeno ime jer govori o onome što najviše ceni u životu – ljuba- vi i prijateljstvu. A pošto je iz Vojvodine, mnogo voli da mesi, peče i jede – hleb.
riched with the tastes of the countries to which I’ve travelled. That’s how traditional potato pie be- came Pide with potatoes and eggs (inspired by Turkish pide bread) and mum’s corn- bread cake enriched with matcha [green tea powder] reminds me of my favourite city, Hong Kong, and the milk cake that I adored eating there. It seems to me that Serbian cuisine is currently being represented through barbecue meat, Karađorđe’s schnitzel and French fries. I’m really sad that this is the case, but I think things are slowly chang- ing for the better. I like the fact that there are increasingly more international ingre- dients and restaurants of world cuisine in our country, but I would really like to see restaurants specialising in Serbian cuisine offer appetisers like fritters – proper ones like those our grandmothers made. Or to find on menus, instead of rocket and Greek salad, Moravian salad made of peppers from Niš or pickled cabbage, doused with oil and sprinkled with ground hot peppers from Vojvodina... I like the new pastry shops, where I can sample French cakes and various del- icacies, but I miss the simple pastry shops where you can eat rice pudding and cream rolls. Above all, in modern pastry shops I really miss the taste of malaga [rum & rai- sin] ice cream, i.e. the punch ice cream that used to be a trademark in our country. It is important for us to open the door to new tastes and foreign cuisines. Really important! But it’s even more important that we continue talking about our tradi- tional cuisine, about grandma’s and moth- er’s recipes, and all those dishes that are part of us, and for us to include them on the menus of our restaurants. In Serbia we really make good barbecue, pljeska- vica burgers and ćevapčići kebabs, but our cuisine is much, much more than that. Food inspires me to create. Flavours and smells give me ideas for stories, pho- tography, socialising... They ground me, help me to slow down and be aware of the moment. With me everything starts with that. WHO IS NEVENA? Nevena Zelunka Cvijetić is a food blog- ger. “Bread and Tulips” is her blog about simple living, food and photography. It was named after her favourite Ital- ian film, Silvio Soldini’s Pane e Tulipani. It turned out to be the perfect name thanks to its reference to what she val- ues most in life – love and friendship. And because she’s from Vojvodina she really loves to knead, bake and eat – bread.
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