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It’s not easy to make a breakthrough alongside Madrid and Barcelona, but in truth when we imagine Spain we mainly think of Andalusia, tapas, flamenco, or- anges and Moorish heritage. Seville is all of this, and much more. Its rich his- tory, written by the Romans, Vandalia, Visigoths and Moors, is ubiquitous. Al- though many mosques have been con- verted to churches, many buildings have been preserved, including the fascinat- ing palace of Alcázar. Tip: If you are a fan of the TV series Game of Thrones, you have yet another reason to visit Seville. Specifically, part of the fifth season was filmed in Seville and the surrounding area.
SEVILJA (ŠPANIJA) Nije lako probiti se pored Madrida i Barselone, ali istina je da, kad zamišljamo Španiju, uglavnom mislimo na Andaluziju, tapas, flamenko, pomorandže i mavar- ske tekovine. Sevilja je sve ovo i mnogo više. Bogata istorija koju su pisali Rimljani, Vandali, Vizigoti i Mavari je sveprisutna. Iako su brojne džamije pretvorene u crkve, mnoge građevine su sačuvane, uključujući i fascinantnu palatu Alkazar. Tip: Ukoliko ste ljubitelj Igre prestola, eto još jednog razloga da obiđete Se- vilju. Naime, deo pete sezone ove serije sniman je u Sevilji i okolini.
CAGLIARI (ITALY) It is said that all roads lead to Rome, but as far as we’re concerned some of them should also lead to Cagliari. While northern Sardinia is reserved for the jet set, the southern part and Cagliari seemed to have stood still in time and are perfect destinations for travellers who want to simultaneously be in touch with nature while enjoying unu- sual gourmet and rich culture. Tip: Search for flamingos! Hundreds of them live near Poetto Beach, in Molentargius Natural Park.
KALJARI (ITALIJA) Kaže se da svi pu-
tevi vode u Rim, ali što se nas tiče, ne-
ki bi trebalo da vode i u – Kalja- ri. Dok je sever Sardinije rezer- visan za džet- set, jug i Kaljari su kao zaustavlje- ni u vremenu i sa- vršena su destina- cija za putnike koji u isto vreme žele kon- takt s prirodom, nesva- kidašnji gurmanski doživ- ljaj i kulturne sadržaje.
Tip: Potražite flamingose. Na sto- tine njih živi u blizini plaže Poeto, u par- ku Molentargijus.
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