Doskora najbolje čuvana tajna Belgije, Gent polako, ali sigurno po- staje ozbiljna konkurencija Briselu. Ovaj grad sa kanalima, cvećem na sve strane i srednjovekovnom arhi- tekturom izgleda kao naslikan, suvi- še lep da bi bio stvaran. Ipak, Gent jeste stvaran i, osim fotogeničnošću, izdvaja se i po brojnim vintidž rad- njama, veganskim restoranima, har- moničnom sinergijom modernog i prastarog. Tip: Posetite socijal- ni restoran otvoren u nekadašnjoj crkvi
– Parnassus. U njemu se zapo- šljavaju isklju- čivo ljudi koji iz nekog razlo- ga već dugo ne mogu da se za- posle (izbegli- ce, bivši zatvo- renici..), hrana je ukusna i jef- tina, a ambijent ostavlja bez daha.
GHENT (BELGIUM) Until recently Belgium’s best kept secret, Ghent is slowly but sure- ly becoming a serious competitor to Brussels. This city of canals, with flowers on all sides and medieval architecture, looks as though it has been painted and is too beautiful to be real. Nevertheless, Ghent is real, and apart from being photogenic, it also sets itself apart thanks to its numerous vintage shops, vegan restaurants and its harmonious synergies of the modern and the ancient. Tip: Visit the social restaurant open in a former church – Parnassus. It exclusively employs people who have, for one reason or another, not been able to gain employment for a long time (refugees, ex-convicts etc.). The food is delicious and cheap, while the atmosphere takes your breath away.
MARSELJ (FRANCUSKA) Iako je ovaj lučki grad na jugu Francuske na zlom glasu, što zbog holivudskih filmova, što jer je dom brojnih imigranata, ne dajte se prevariti. Upravo njima Marselj duguje jedinstvenu kul- turnu šarolikost koja ga čini posebnim. Tip: Kao i u svakom francuskom gradu, i ovde ćete pronaći velelepnu katedralu i druge impo- zantne zgrade. Pa ipak, da biste doživeli pravi Marselj, zaputite se na pijacu Marche de Noailles. Obi- lazak tezgi liči na gur- manski put oko sve- ta: od pice, preko
čuvene riblje čorbe boui- llabaisse, pa do arapskih slatkiša, su- vog i svežeg voća i začina.
MARSEILLE (FRANCE) Although this port city in the south of France has a bad reputation, due to Hollywood films and due to it being home to many immigrants, don’t be fooled. It is precisely these residents that Marseille owes a debt of grat- itude to for creating the unique cultural diversity which makes it special. Tip: Like in every French city, here you will find a magnificent cathedral and other imposing buildings. However, in order to experience the real Mar- seille, you must visit its Marché de Noailles Market. Touring these stalls resem- bles a gourmet trip around the world: from pizza, via famous bouillabaisse fish soup, to Arabic sweets, dry and fresh fruits and spices.
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