CK13 glavno je utočište alternativnog i angažo- vanog Novog Sada. Crnu kuću izgradile su tri nezavisne organizacije kao otvoren prostor na- menjen podsticaju i razvoju društvenog i poli- tičkog aktivizma kod mladih, u kojem se stvara, diskutuje, istražuje, misli, bori. I sve što se tamo dešava nosi neko „dublje značenje“ – koncer- te tu održavaju isključivo bendovi koji imaju šta da kažu o današnjoj stvarnosti; filmski program upoznaje nas s ljudima, umetnicima, događaji- ma koji su menjali svet; na tribinama se razgo- vara o aktuelnim društvenim problemima, s ak- centom na problemima desnog ekstremizma u našem društvu. CK13 is the main haven of the alternative and engag- ing Novi Sad. The Black House was “constructed” by three independent organisations as an open space in- tended to encourage the development of social and political activism among young people, where they create, discuss, investigate, think and struggle. And everything that happens there carries some “deep- er meaning” – concerts are preformed exclusively by bands that have something to say about today’s real- ity; the film programme familiarises us with people, artists and events that have changed the world; fo- rums include discussions of current social problems, with an emphasis on the problems of rightist extrem- ism in our society.
Trg galerija je prava kulturna baza Novog Sada gde su koncentrisane tri značajne usta- nove – Galerija Matice srpske, Spomen-zbirka Pavla Beljanskog i Galerija likovne umetnosti – Poklon-zbirka Rajka Mamuzića. Galerija Ma- tice srpske, smeštena u velelepnoj zgradi neka- dašnje Produktne berze, ubraja se u najbogatije umetničke muzeje u Srbiji sa fondom dela na- stalih između 16. i 20. veka. Spomen-zbirka Pa- vla Beljanskog čuva najcelovitiju zbirku umet- ničkih dela srpskog slikarstva prve polovine 20. veka, a osnovni fond Galerija likovne umetnosti – Poklon-zbirka Rajka Mamuzića predstavlja je- dinstven pregled srpske umetnosti nastale u pr- vim decenijama posle Drugog svetskog rata. The Trg Gallery is the real cultural base of Novi Sad, where three important institutions are concen- trated - the Matica Srpska Gallery, the Memorial Col- lection of Pavle Beljanski and the Gallery of Fine Arts - the Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić. The Matica Sr- spka Gallery, housed in the magnificent building of the former Product Stock Exchange, is ranked among the richest museums of art in Serbia, with a collec- tion of works created between the 16 th and 20 th cen- turies. The memorial collection of Pavle Beljanski pre- serves the most comprehensive collection of Serbian painting from the first half of the 20 th century, while the basic collection of the Fine Art Gallery – the Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić presents a unique over- view of Serbian art created in the first decades after World War II.
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