MINIKONCERT NA VISINI OD . METARA MINI CONCERT AT AN ALTITUDE OF 10,000 METRES E r Srbija je svojim putnicima omogu- ćila nesvakidašnji ugođaj u avionu! Kompanija je bila sponzor putova- nja benda MAIKA, koji je predstav- A ir Serbia enabled its passengers to have an unusually pleasant experience aboard the plane! Specically, the airline sponsored the travel of band MAIKA, which rep- resented Serbia and Radio Belgrade at the Eurosonic Norderslag Festival held in Groningen, Netherlands, from 16 th to 21 st January. The band ew from Belgrade
ljao Srbiju i Radio Beograd na festivalu Eu- rosonic Norderslag od 16. do 21. januara u Groningenu. Bend je 16. januara letom JU 364 leteo iz Beograda za Amsterdam, što ne bi bilo ništa neobično da nisu iznenadili sve putnike na letu i odsvirali dve pesme na vi- sini od 10.000 metara. Ida Prester, pevačica benda, kaže da je to bilo jedinstveno isku- stvo i da je veoma srećna što su učestvova- li na velikom festivalu. – Svirali smo pred krcatom salom, to je bio dosad najposećeniji koncert domaćeg izvođača. Mislim da smo se veoma dobro predstavili i već tamo smo ugovorili nastupe na brojnim drugim festivalima širom Evrope. I ne samo to, zar ne? Imali ste priliku da svirate i pevate na najneobičnijem mestu – u avionu na 10.000 metara! – Odlučili smo da putnicima Er Srbije , našem partneru na putu za Eurosonic , po- klonimo dve pesme. I nama je dobro došlo kao generalna proba pred festival. Svi su pr- vo bili iznenađeni, ali brzo su uhvatili ritam, uključili telefone da nas snime i počeli da se osmehuju. Na kraju nam se ceo avion pridru- žio, pevali su i tapšali, bilo je baš dirljivo. Ka- snije su nam mnogi prišli i zahvalili se, nika- da ranije nisu doživeli tako nešto u avionu. KakojedošlodosaradnjesaErSrbijom? – S obzirom na to da najviše nastupa- mo u inostranstvu, česti smo putnici Er Sr- bije . S vremenom smo shvatili da nam se interesi poklapaju i postali smo partneri. Komplementarni smo u željama, nama tre- ba kvalitetna usluga u vazduhu, a kompa- niji treba neki novi vid iznenađenja – za- bave za goste. Reci nam nešto o bendu, to je skup ljudi sa Balkana, koji u muzici za- pravo kombinuju sve zvuke ovih prostora... – Mi smo bend sačinjen od muzičara iz cele regije. Ja sam iz Hrvatske, druga peva- čica je polu-Mađarica, u bendu su i Srbi, Cr- nogorci. Inspirativan spoj, upravo kakav je i ceo Balkan. Mi želimo da ga prikažemo ona- ko kako ga vidimo, kao mesto puno strasti, ideja i ekstrema. Ovde se prepliću bogatstvo i siromaštvo, lepota i nevolja, modernost i tra- dicija. A opet, ljudi su sve to naučili da prima- ju s osmehom i ponosom. Čudesno je mesto taj naš mali deo sveta.
to Amsterdam on 16 th January’s JU 364 ight, which wouldn’t have been anything out of the ordinary had the band not surprised all the passengers on the ight by performing two songs at an altitude of 10,000 metres. According to the band’s singer, Ida Prester, it was a unique experience and she was very happy that the band participated in such a major festival. “We played in front of a packed hall, which was the best-attended concert of our domes- tic performers to date. I think we presented ourselves very well and while we were still there we signed contract for performances at numerous other festivals across Europe.” And not only that, right? You had the opportunity to play and sing in the most unu- sual place – in a plane at 10,000 metres! “We decided to gift two songs to the passengers of Air Serbia, which was our partner for the journey to Eurosonic. And it was good for us as a“general rehearsal”prior to the festival. Everyone was initially surprised, but they quickly caught the rhythm, turned on their phones to record us and spread smiles. At the end, the entire plane joined us, singing and clapping to the beat, it was really touching. Many of the passengers later approached us and thanked us, having never before experienced something like that aboard a plane. How did cooperation with Air Serbia come about? “Given that we mostly perform abroad, we are frequent iers with Air Serbia. We grad- ually realised that our interests overlap and became partners. We are complementary in our desires, as we need high-quality aviation services, and the airline needs some new form of surprise-entertainment for guests. This is just the beginning; we’ve also agreed numerous other activities. Let those remain a surprise.” Tell us something about the band, which is a collection of people from the Balkans who actually combine all the sounds of these territories in your music... “We are a band composed of musicians from throughout the region. I’m from Croatia, while the other singer is half-Hungarian, and in the band there are also Serbs and Monte- negrins. An inspiring fusion, just like the Balkans as a whole. We want to present it the way we see it – as a place full of passions, ideas and extremes. Here there’s an interweaving of wealth and poverty, beauty and trouble, modernity and tradition. And yet people that have learned to accept all of that with a smile and with pride. This our little part of the world is a wonderful place.
Ceo avion nam se
pridružio, pevali su i tapšali, bilo je baš dirljivo, kaže Ida The entire plane joined us, singing and clapping to the beat, it was really touching, says Ida
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