JOY IS CALLED EMMENTAL Everyone can make holes in cheese, but only the Swiss know how to make cheese with holes! The famous Emmental is a yellow medium-hard cheese that, obviously, originated in Switzer- land. More precisely, it comes from the valley of the river Emme near the French border. Pro- duced from cow’s milk, only the most experi- enced cheesemakers know how to harmo- nise all conditions to ensure the characteristic holes are the same size and evenly spaced. Apart from its holes, Emmental is known as one of the largest cheeses in the world – aver- age examples weighs between 80 and 90 ki- los, while some are heavier than 130 kg and have a diameter of up to a metre. This diva among cheeses is characterised by character- istic fruity sweetness or an almond taste. It is al- so characterised as an excellent cheese for melt- ing, which is why – alongside Gruyère cheese – it is a traditional ingredient of the world’s chees- iest dish – fondue. And if you have a dilemma about what to serve alongside this delicious cheese, there’s no need for concern - Emmental goes equally well with light-fruity white wines and strong reds. Enjoy!
RADOST SE ZOVE EMENTALER Svako može napraviti rupe u siru, ali samo Švajcarci znaju da naprave sir s rupama! Čuveni ementaler je polutvrdi žuti sir koji, dakle, potiče iz Švajcarske. Tačnije, iz doline reke Eme, u blizini francuske granice. Pravi se od kravljeg mleka, a samo najiskusniji sirari znaju da usklade sve uslove kako bi ka- rakteristične rupe bile jednake veličine i ravnomerno raspoređene. Osim po rupama, ementaler je poznat kao jedan od najvećih sireva na svetu – proseč- ni primerci teže od 80 do 90 kilograma, a neki su teški i više od 130 kilograma i imaju i do metar u prečniku. Ovog diva među sirevima karakteriše izrazito slatkast voćni, od- nosno bademasti ukus. Odlikuje ga i odlična topivost, pa je zato uz grijer tradicional- ni sastojak najsirastijeg jela na svetu – fondua. A ako se dvoumite šta da poslužite uz ovaj divni sir, nema brige, ementaler se podjednako dobro slaže s laganim voćnim be- lim vinima, kao i sa jakim crnim. Uživajte!
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