Elevate February 2019 | Air Serbia


zna da se agresivne ptice ne umiruju lju- bavlju, već mesom. One vole stomakom i pamte svaki postupak čoveka, ali ako se s njima ne radi, lako podivljaju. Pti- ca grabljivica je najsrećnija kada lovi – odgovara istom merom Igor, koji s pri- jateljima svakodnevno izvodi sokolove na trening. Od Bojana saznajemo da dresirane ptice mogu biti ljubimci, lovci i takmi- čari, ali da je u poslovnom smislu dobar i uzgoj sokolova za prodaju i za biološ- ku zaštitu. Oni se kao ekipa trude da po- kriju sve ove aspekte i veruju da su na pravom putu. – Biološka zaštita znači da se jastrebo- vi koriste u velikim proizvodnim sistemi- ma, velikim halama u koje uđu druge pti- ce koje nanose veliku štetu proizvodnji... Sokolovi su bolji za otvoreni prostor, jer njihovo prisustvo rasteruje čvorke, gač- ke, vrane i čavke koje mogu da opustoše voćnjake, poljoprivredne plantaže ili da blokiraju aerodrome – pojašnjava Bojan. S PTICAMA TRENER PRIČA RUKOM Neuki u ptičjim stvarima, pitamo ih gde su one kapice koje u filmovima vi- đamo na glavama dresiranih sokolova. Ana s osmehom odgovara kako razmišlja da i njih počne da pravi. – Moćno izgleda soko sa skupoce- nom kukuljicom na ruci šeika koji ula- zi u svoj avion. Te kapice smiruju ptice i neutrališu spoljne nadražaje koji mogu da ih uplaše. Naše kapice su jednostav- ne i stavljamo ih samo tokom transpor- ta na trening – priča Ana. Velika je ovo priča i veliki su snovi ovih mladih ljudi koji obožavaju životi- nje. Ana sanja da se jednog dana prese- le na planinu, da ima svog konja, a do ta- da se, osim pticama i tašnama, s istom ekipom bavi uzgojem srednjoazijskih ov- čarskih pasa. – Sa životinjama je uvek lepo, ali je uzgoj veliki posao i velika odgovornost. Naročito kada sve radite po propisima, s papirima, registracijama, prstenovima... Mi sve radimo iz ljubavi, ali smo svesni da samo ogromnim radom to može da postane i ozbiljan posao od kog će naše porodice moći da zarađuju za život kakav želimo da živimo. Slobodni i s prirodom – zaključuje ova preduzimljiva mlada žena. Da su na pravom putu, uverili smo se kada su nam dali trenersku rukavicu i na ruku spustili Mokija. Stajao je mirno, a onda je na lagani pokret ručnog zglo- ba počeo da širi krila, baš kako su ga na- učili. Osetili smo sve osim straha. Čista, divlja lepota.

Sa životinjama je uvek lepo, ali je uzgoj veliki posao i velika odgovornost It’s always nice with animals, but breeding is a huge job and a great responsibility


discussions they decided to start seriously dealing with the breeding of birds of prey, with the idea of one day turning that into a job. Ana is there to feed them, ensure they don’t hurt themselves, that they aren’t killed by the tether that binds them, while falcon- ry training is dealt with by Bojan and Đorđe, with the help of their friend Igor. “Caring for these birds is a 24-hour job that demands full dedication. It would be tough for one person to carry out all those obligations, and the most beauti- ful ones belong to me, because they love me the most,” jokes Ana, teasing the men in her team. “Our colleague is right and is well aware that aggressive birds don’t soothe themselves with love, but rather with meat. They love with their stomachs and remem- ber every move made by people, but if you don’t work with them they easily become wild. A bird of prey is at its happiest when hunting,”respondsIgorwiththesamemeas- ure. He conducts falconry training with his friends on a daily basis. We learn from Bojan that trained birds can be pets, hunters and competitors, but that in a business sense it’s also good to breed falcons for sale and for biological pro- tection. They strive as a team to cover all these aspects and believe that they are on the right track. “Biological protection means that hawks are used in large production systems, large assembly halls that are entered by oth- er birds that cause great damage to produc- tion ... Falcons are better for open spaces, because their presence scatters starlings, rooks, crows and jackdaws that can dev- astate orchards, agricultural plantations or block airports,” explains Bojan.

We ask these people who are educated in all things related to birds where are those hoods that we see on the heads of trained falcons in lms. Ana responds with a smile, explaining that she’s also considering launch- ing the production of them. “A falcon looks powerful with an expen- sive hook on the arm of a sheik boarding his plane. These hoods calm the birds and neutralise external stimuli that can fright- en them. Our hoods are simple and we put them on the birds only during transporta- tion for training,” says Ana. This is a great story and the dreams of these young people who adore animals are also great. Ana dreams of one day moving to a mountain and having her own horse, and until then – besides birds and handbags – she also works with the same team to breed Central Asian Shepherd dogs. “It’s always nice with animals, but breed- ing is a huge job and a great responsibility. That’s especially so when you do everything according to regulations, with papers, reg- istrations, rings etc. We all work out of love, but we are aware that it is only through enor- mous work that it can become a serious job from which our families will be able to earn enough to live the life we want to live – free and with nature,” concludes this entrepre- neurial young woman. We were convinced that they are on the right track when they gave us a train- ing glove and placed Moki on our arms. He stood still, then, with a light movement of the wrist, began spreading his wings just as they’d taught him. We felt everything except fear. Pure, wild beauty.

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