Prirodi je bilo potrebno izme- đu 3.000 i 5.000 godina da stvori naslage treseta, koje su se prilikom punjenja jezera, polovinom prošlog veka, odvojile od dna i jednostav- no isplivale na površinu. Na jezeru ima tridesetak većih i manjih pluta- jućih ostrva, a najveće, koje se zo- ve Mobi Dik, široko je 250 i dugo 400 metara. Na većim ostrvima ni- kle su vrbe i breze, pa liče na ma- le pokretne oaze. Prvo na što će vas meštani upo- zoriti kada stignete na Vlasinsko jezero jeste da budete vrlo obazri- vi ako ste rešili da ribolovačku sre- ću okušate baš na nekom od ovih ostrvaca. Dešavalo se, kažu, da ri- bolovci ostave štapove zabodene u zemlju i utonu u san, a kad se pro- bude, već su daleko od obale. Cela regija Vlasine obiluje le- kovitim biljem, gljivama i šumskim voćem. Ovde u sezoni možete sa- kupljati kantarion i hajdučku travu, pronaći vrganje i lisičarke, nabrati brusnice, šumske kupine i borovni- ce. Možete šetati borovim šumama, planinariti, skijati na vodi, voziti bi- cikl ili jednostavno sesti pored jeze- ra i gledati ptice. Biće to fantastič- no iskustvo jer u ovom kraju ima 125 autohtonih vrsta ptica. Osim to- ga, Vlasina je prava vazdušna ba- nja, pa će vam boravak u ovom kra- ju sigurno popraviti krvnu sliku. Vlasina kao predeo izuzetnih odlika pleni i zimi i leti. Plutajuća ostrva led zimi zaustavi, tada ne plu- taju, već miruju blizu obale. Vlasin- sko jezero svake zime bude prekri- veno ledom, osim na mestima gde se nalaze veliki ulivni kanali, gde je konstantan protok vode bogate kiseonikom. Debljina leda je od 30 do 40 centimetara, a zimi se u pro- seku zadrži oko mesec dana. U zim- skom periodu, osim šetnje po zale- đenom jezeru, možete da iskusite i terene okolnih planina Čemerni- ka i Besne kobile, koji su pogodni za vožnju džet-skija, skijanje, san- kanje... Prava čarolija.
V lasina Lake is a place of excep- tional beauty. Famous for its islets that oat freely, you nev- er know where they’ll come to a stop. It simply lures you to journey with them to some wondrous, hidden green oasis. Additional enjoyment is provided by the unusual colour of this lake. Blue that turns grey, then just o the banks turns an emerald green. Everything on the Vlasina Plateau, where the lake oc- cupies the central spot, exudes beauty that one, mostly, falls in love with at rst sight. And once you’ve visited - you will constantly return here. The lake has only existed for sev- en decades, although it at first seems as though nature created it just there, at an elevation of 1,213 metres above sea-level. In reality, it was left behind on the spot where the muddy River Vlasi - na once flowed, before being dammed in the 1950s.
Cela regija Vlasine obiluje lekovitim biljem, gljivama i šumskim voćem The entire Vlasina area is abundant with medicinal herbs, mushrooms and forest fruits
Covering a surface are of around 15 square kilometres, at its deepest point it reaches a depth of as much as 35 metres. The sources of the lake’s waters comprise numerous rivers and streams that are still unpolluted and from which water can be drunk directly. Some 16 species of fish have found their natural habitat here. The lake has trout, catfish, chub, perch, carp, eel, Prus - sian carp and Crucian carp, making it a true haven for anglers. The lake is surround- ed by the mountains of Čemernik, Plana, with the Vrtop peak, and Vardenik, the re - gion’s tallest mountain massif. The first thing you notice when your travels lead you to this area is the beau - ty of its untouched nature. It is some - how simultaneously tame and uncon - trolled. Wild horses run freely, herds of cows and sheep graze peacefully beside the lake and drink pure Vlasina water. A particularly fascinating natural phenom - enon and rarity around the world that’s
Na jezeru ima tridesetak većih i manjih plutajućih ostrva, a najveće, koje se zove Mobi Dik. Na većim ostrvima nikle su vrbe i breze, pa liče na male pokretne oaze
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