Elevate December 2018 | Air Serbia

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znanja. Možete s ljubavlju i posve- ćeno mesiti hleb ili glumiti. Bićete na dobitku. O kojoj ulozi ili projektu ma- štate? – Nemam snova izvan sadašnjo- sti. Sanjam samo o projektima koje sam započela. Da ste kao početnica znali šta sve treba da savladate u tom poslu, da li biste ga opet oda- brali? – Da, znala sam od početka. Zato što sam imala izvrsnu školu, Fakul- tet dramskih umetnosti u Beogra- du i harizmatičnog profesora glu- me Predraga Bajčetića, koji nas je uputio u suštinu zanata i umetno- sti glume. Jedva sam čekala sve iza- zove koji su dolazili sa profesional- nim bavljenjem glumom, za mene najlepšim poslom na svetu. Čija vam je podrška oduvek dragocena? – Moja sreća je što sam umela da prepoznam kad sam u pravo vreme susretala prave ljude koji su mi obe- ležili život, možda i ne znajući za to. Koliko promena mesta borav- ka, putovanja, novo okruženje i ljudi doprinose da se bolje ose- ćate ili volite utvrđene okvire, i privatno i poslovno?

or act with love and dedication. You will be onto a winner. What role or project do you fantasise about? -I don’t have dreams beyond the present. I only dream about the projects that I’ve started. If you’d known as a novice actress everything that you needed to master in this business, would you still choose such a career? -Yes, I knew from the beginning. Because I had an excellent school in the Faculty of Dra- matic Arts in Belgrade. And there I had a char- ismatic professor of acting in Predrag Bajčetić, who directed us towards the essence of the craft and art of acting. And I could hardly wait to take on all the challenges that came with

dealing professionally with acting, which for me is the most beautiful job in the world. Whosesupporthaveyoualwaysvalued? -I’m lucky in that I’ve always been able to recognise when I’ve met the right people who marked my life at the right time, perhaps without even knowing about it. How much does changing your place of residence, travelling, experiencing a new environment and new people contrib- ute to you feeling better; or do you love established frameworks, both private- ly and professionally? -The environment in which I find myself is just the conditionality that enables me to view things from different angles. Howev- er, I remain the same. And the essence of my acting work is the same. The joy that a job brings is the same. Where I am is un- important. Have you had periods without work and, if so, how did you handle that in a psy- chological sense? -The nature of the acting profession doesn’t abide discontinuity. An actor must always work on themselves, without stop- ping, regardless of whether they are current- ly in the media eye or are invisible. An actor is also working when reading books, watching films and plays, and especially when prepar- ing a new project. And interpreting different roles in a theatre’s repertoire compels an ac- tor to work continuously.

It’s a privilege to be a member of Atelje 212, a theatre that was founded by Mira Trailović and that has always represented a centre of the spirit, an oasis of free thought and the most important avant-garde plays Privilegija je biti član Ateljea 212, pozorišta koje je osnovala Mira Trailović, a koje je uvek predstavljalo duh, oazu slobodne misli i najznačajnijih komada avangarde

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