Elevate December 2018 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up



PRAKTIKANTI U POSETI KABINETU Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direktor, zajedno s Deklanom Kelerom, izvršnim direktorom za saobraćaj, i Markom Ba- bićem, direktorom ljudskih resursa, primio je desetoro stu- denata koji su na praksi u Er Srbiji . Poželevši im dobro- došlicu, Nejsmit je istakao da Er Srbija sa zadovoljstvom organizuje praksu za mlade i talentovane ljude: Praksa u Er Srbiji za vas je prilika da naučite nešto novo, ali i prilika da budete deo naše kompanije i da nama u Er Srbiji posta- vite nove izazove. Savremeno komercijalno vazduhoplov- stvo je puno izazova i zato vas pozivam da stalno postav- ljate pitanja i tražite informacije, ali i da nam ukazujete na prilike za našu kompaniju koje vi vidite. Desetoro stude- nata, koji su na praksi od novembra ove do kraja januara naredne godine, čine treću grupu praktikanata ko- ji su tokom ove godine na praksi u Er Srbiji . Ta-

Šta vam putnici najčešće kažu nakon leta? – Putnici se najčešće zahvale na bezbednom i mirnom letu i požele nam bezbedan nastavak putovanja. Neretko slećemo po jakom, rafalnom i turbulentnom vetru i tada putnici vidno zadovoljni najiskrenije žele da pozdrave pilote posle leta, i to u sportskom duhu, kao sportiste posle do- bro odigrane i neizvesne utakmice. Sećate li se svog prvog leta? – Bio je to redovan JAT-ov let od Beograda do Podgorice i moj prvi let na avionu B-737, na obuci za kopilota s instruktorom letenja. Na samom le- tu sve se odvijalo odlično, ali kako smo prolazili iz složenije u složeniju fazu ovog kratkog, ali zahtevnog leta, puls mi je postajao sve brži. Tako se sleta- nje završilo onako kao što je i normalno za početnika, tvrdim udarcem u pi- stu podgoričkog aerodroma. Instruktor je prokomentarisao: „Sve

vreme si mi delovao sigurno kao iskusan kapetan, šta se desilo?“ Naravno, on nije ni mogao da pretpostavi šta se zaista u meni dešavalo tokom leta. Osećao sam se kao amater atletičar na Olimpijskim igrama, okružen olimpijskim pobednicima.

lentovani studenti iz Srbije od 2016. godine su na redovnoj praksi u Er Srbiji . Za više od dve godine, koliko Centar za razvoj kari- jere Univerziteta u Beogradu organizuje prakse u uspešnim kompanijama Srbi- je, šestoro praktikanata se posle zavr- šenog fakulteta zaposlilo u Er Srbiji .

What do passengers must commonly say to you after a flight? “Passengers most often express thanks for a safe Ceo decembar je u znaku novogodi­ šnje euforije. Koje je najneobičnije me­ sto na kojem ste dočekali Novu godi­ nu zbog posla? – Bilo je to u Instanbulu, kada sam pozvan da sa dežurstva obavim let ume- sto kolege koji se razboleo. Ali posao je posao, tako da sam Novu godinu nepla- nirano dočekao sa posadom u jednom hotelu u Istanbulu.


Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith, to- gether with COO Declan Keller and Ge- neral Manager for People and Perfor- mance Marko Babić, recently received ten students who are undergoing internships at our company. Welcoming them, Naysmith po- inted out that Air Serbia is pleased to organise in- ternships for young and talented people:“internship at Air Serbia is an opportunity for you to learn something new, but also an opportunity to be part of our challenge and for you to challenge us. Modern commercial aviation is simply full of a lot of challenges, and therefore I invite you to constantly challenge us and ask questions and seek infor- mation, but also to point out the opportunities you see for our company.” These ten students, who will carry out their internships from November to the end of January next year, represent the third group of interns to undergo an internship at Air Serbia during the course of this year. Talented students from Serbia have been undertaking regular internships at Air Serbia sin- ce 2016. For more than two years, during which the Career Development Centre of the University of Belgrade has been organising internships at successful Serbian companies, six students have gained employment at Air Serbia upon gra- duating from the faculty.

and tranquil flight, and wish us a safe continuation of our journey. It’s not uncommon for that to also be landing in strong, swirling and turbulent winds, when passengers who are visibly satis- fied sincerely want to greet the pilots after a flight, in a sporting spirit, like athletes after completing a well-played and uncertain challenge.” Do you recall your first flight? “That was a regular JAT flight from Belgrade to Podgorica and my first flight with a B-737 plane, as part of co-pilot training with a flight instructor. Everything went great during the flight itself, but as we transitioned from a complex to a more complex phase of this short but demanding flight, my pulse beat ever faster. And so the landing ended in the way that’s the norm for a novice – with a hard touching down on the runway at Podgorica Airport. My instructor commented:“The whole time you seemed to me like an experienced captain. What happened?” Of course, he couldn’t even imagine what really happened to me during that flight. I felt like an amateur athlete at the Olympic Games, surrounded by Olympic champions.” The whole of December is marked by festive cheer. What’s the most unusual place you’ve spent the New Year holidays due to your job? “That was in Istanbul, when I was on-call and asked to conduct a flight instead of a colleague who’d got sick. But work is work, so I unexpectedly awaited the New Year with the flight crew at a hotel in Istanbul.”

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