Elevate December 2018 | Air Serbia

srećna nova godina / happy new year PONOĆ NA CRVENOM TRGU


RED SQUARE M snegom i kada je u punom sjaju. Jedan od najlepših gradova sve- ta još je lepši zimi, pa je idealan za one koji vole duh starih vremena, ali nudi mnogo i onima koji vo- le žurke do jutra. Moskva je cela grandiozna, pa je takav i tamoš- nji doček Nove godine. Znajte da u najluđoj noći temperatura ume da se spusti i do 30 stepeni ispod nule, ali uz toplu odeću i obuću i poneku čašicu votke zimu skoro da nećete osetiti. Glavni doček tradicionalno se održava u srcu Moskve, na čuve- nom Crvenom trgu. Očaraće vas ogromna šljašteća jelka, Deda Mraz sa saonicama i prodavci toplih na- pitaka, a vatromet iznad Kremlja i Hrama Vasilija Blaženog pamti se celog života. Budite spremni na gužvu i gledajte da mesto nađete ranije. U suprotnom, spustite se do zaleđene reke Moskve, s mo- sta Patrijarši pogled na vatromet biće podjednako spektakularan. Nadomak Crvenog trga je ulica Tverskaja, gde do mile volje može- te đuskati uz najrazličitije ritmove. Zabavu ćete naći i u moskovskim parkovima, koji u ludoj noći nude za svakog ponešto. U Gorki parku je najveće skijalište u Moskvi i brdo za snoubord, a uz svetske di-džeje- ve garantovan je provod do zore. Prošetajte se i do ostalih moskov- skih parkova – Sokolniki, Viktori, Muzeon. Osvojiće vas igra svetla, lasera i ledenih skulptura, narav- no, sve uz dobru muziku. Ako ste pak zimogrožljivi, po- oskvu treba videti baš u vreme novogo- dišnjih praznika, ka- da blista prekrivena častite se večerom u nekom od broj- nih restorana. Ponuda je šarena, ali preporuka je da probate tradi- cionalnu novogodišnju trpezu: ru- sku salatu, haringu, šampanjac, kao i praseće pečenje, kavijar, pihtije. I ne propustite domaći običaj da u ponoć na papiriću zapišete že- lju, zatim ga upalite, ubacite u ča- šu šampanjca i popijte naiskap.

M oscow is a place you should see precisely during the time of the New Year’s holidays, when it glistens with snow covering its charm shines to the max. One of the world’s most beautiful cities is even more beautiful during winter, making it an ideal destination for those who love the spirit of olden times, while it also has plen- ty to offer those who like to party‘til dawn. Moscow is grandiose in its entirety, and thus so are its celebrations of New Year’s Eve. You should know that temperatures dur- ing that wildest night can fall to as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius, but with warm clothes and footwear, and the odd glass of vodka, you’ll barely feel the winter chill. The main celebration is traditionally held in the heart of Moscow, on the famous Red Square. You will be enchanted by the huge glittering fir tree, Father Christmas with his sleigh and sellers of hot drinks,

while the fireworks display above the Krem- lin and Saint Basil’s Cathedral is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Be prepared for large crowds and seek to find a place earlier. Alternatively, head down to the frozen River Moskva, where the Patri- arshy Bridge provides an equally spectac- ular view of the fireworks. Alongside Red Square is Tverskaya Street, where you can dance to your heart’s content to the most varied rhythms. You will also find fun in Moscow’s parks, which offer something for everyone during this crazy night. Gorky Park has the largest ski resort in Moscow and a hill for snowboard- ing, with the sounds of Djs from around the world guaranteeing a good time un- til dawn. Walk to Moscow’s other parks too – Sokolniki, Victory and Fallen Mon- ument Park. You will be won over by the dance of lights, lasers and ice sculptures – all, of course, to the accompaniment of good music. However, if you’re not a fan of wintry weather, treat yourself to dinner at one of the city’s many restaurants. The offer is var- ied, but it is recommended that you try the traditional New Year’s spread: Russian salad, herring, champagne, but also roast pork, caviar and aspic. And don’t miss out on the local custom of writing down a wish on a piece of paper at midnight, then setting it alight, placing it in a glass of champagne and downing it in one gulp.

Don’t miss out on the local custom of writing down a wish on a piece of paper at midnight, then setting it alight, placing it in a glass of champagne and downing it in one gulp Ne propustite domaći običaj da u ponoć na papiriću zapišete želju, zatim ga upalite, ubacite u čašu šampanjca i popijete naiskap

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