Elevate December 2018 | Air Serbia


Ispraćanje stare i doček nove godine širom sveta prate i ne- svakidašnji običaji. Tako na Siciliji imaju jednostavan recept za sreću – u ludoj noći jedite lazanje i izbegavajte bilo koju drugu testeninu. Brazilci Novu godinu dočekuju pored okeana obuče- ni u belu odeću koja simboliše sreću i mir, dok Meksikanci tra- že ljubav u novogodišnjoj noći noseći crveni veš. Oni koji bi da narednu godinu provedu putujući i posećujući atraktivne desti- nacije, u Kolumbiji šetaju ulicama s praznim koferima u nadi da će im to doneti nove avanture. NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH EMPTY SUITCASES Bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new one is ac- companied by unusual customs around the world. As such, in Sic- ily they have a simple recipe to ensure good fortune in the year ahead – on New Year’s Eve eat only lasagna and avoid any other pasta. Brazilians welcome the new year beside the ocean, dressed in white clothes, as they symbolise happiness and peace, while Mexicans seeking love on New Year’s Eve wear red underwear. Co- lombian people who would like to spend the next year travelling and visiting attractive destinations wander the streets with emp- ty suitcases on New Year’s Eve, in the hope that this will bring them new adventures.

T hey say that everyone should expe- rience New Year’s Eve in the city that never sleeps at least once. It’s a dream of many to kiss a loved one on Times Square precisely at midnight, with millions of people all around and mandatory red caps on their heads. A magical fireworks display is held there every year and watched on televisions worldwide. The countdown begins at a min- ute to midnight, followed by the lowering of the huge ball containing more than two thou- sand crystals and weighing almost six tonnes. The euphoria at this world intersection reach- es its peak when this ball touches the ground. And don’t worry if you miss out on this spec- tacle. New Year’s Eve in New York is the right time to enjoy any of the numerous concerts of top musicians, from the Lincoln Center to the mu- sic halls of the Lower East Side. The most diverse New Year’s menus await you in wonderful res- taurants – all that’s left for you is to find the one that’s to your liking and book your place in ad- vance. You’ll find sizzling fun ‘til dawn at any of the clubs and bars, but be sure to enquire as to what your reservation includes. At some venues a reservation implies unlimited drinks, while else- where it can include food or just enough cham- pagne to toast the arrival of the new year. Ulti- mately, everything boils down to getting what you’ve paid for when the price is right. You can also await the arrival of 1 st Janu- ary aboard one of the cruise ships in New York Harbor. Choose between luxury yachts, leisurely socialising with drinks aboard a boat or a fam- ily cruise around the harbour. For adventurers, there’s also the New Year’s race and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.


K ažu da svako makar jed- nom u životu treba da iskusi doček Nove godi- ne u gradu koji nikad ne spava. Mnogima je san da se baš na Tajms skveru u ponoć poljube sa voljenom osobom, i to uz milion ljudi oko sebe i sa obaveznim crve- nim kapicama. Svake godine tu se održava magični vatromet, koji na TV-u posmatra čitav svet. U minut pred ponoć počinje odbrojavanje, a zatim i spuštanje ogromne kugle sa više od 2.000 kristala i teške goto- vo šest tona. Kad dodirne tlo, eufo- rija na toj raskrsnici sveta dostiže vrhunac. Ako propustite taj spektakl, ne brinite. Novogodišnja noć u Njujor- ku je pravo vreme za neki od brojnih koncerata najvećih muzičara, od Lin-

koln centra do muzičkih dvorana u Louer Ist Sajdu. Najraznovrsniji no- vogodišnji meni čeka vas u sjajnim restoranima, vaše je samo da nađete onaj po svojoj meri i da mesto rezer- višete unapred. Vreli provod do zore naći ćete u nekom od klubova i baro- va, ali prethodno se raspitajte šta re- zervacija podrazumeva. Negde je to neograničeno piće, negde hrana, a negde samo šampanjac, taman toliko da nazdravite. Na kraju sve se svodi na ono – koliko para, toliko muzike. Prvi dan januara možete doče- kati i na nekom od kruzera u nju- jorškoj luci. Birajte između luksu- znih jahti, ležernog druženja uz piće na brodu ili porodičnog krstarenja po Harboru. A za avanturiste tu su i novogodišnja trka i šetnja Bruklin- skim mostom.

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