Elevate December 2018 | Air Serbia

ZA NJU, SA JASNOM PORUKOM Njene autorke, duet dizajnerka i slikarka, zovu je beretka sa stavom. Reč „lju- bav“ namerno je pogrešno napisana, da izrazi stav autorki da ljubav ne podleže pravilima! Kada budete u poseti, ne zaboravite da sasvim lagano prošetate ča- robnom četvrti Kosančićev venac. Doživećete atmosferu prošlih vremena proša- ranu akcentima najsavremenije beogradske kreativnosti. (Remake Home) WITH A MESSAGE ACCESSORIES FOR HER


Njihov duhoviti dizajn pronalazi svoj put i izvan Srbi- je, često u koferima nostalgičnih Beograđana koji ži- ve u inostranstvu. Posebno volimo njihovu interpre- taciju simbola Beograda poput Pobednika (naročito sada, kada obeležavamo 100 godina pobede u Pr- vom svetskom ratu), ajvara ili crvenog tramvaja. Asortiman obuhvata ženski i muški streetwear, po- stere i šolje. (Dechko Tzar)

Its female designer-artist duo authors refer to it as the Beret With an Attitude. The tag says: Love, in Serbian and in Cyrillic. (In Serbia we use both Latin and Cyril- lic scripts!) The word‘ljubav’ [love] is deliberately mis- spelled to express the artists’ firm belief that love is not subject to rules. This neighbourhood shop is one of the most charming in Belgrade, with its dreamy atmosphere of past times and the latest in Bel- grade creativity. (Remake Home)

VREME ZA DARIVANJE IT’S A GIVING TIME USPOMENE IZ SRBIJE MEMORIES FROM SERBIA Verovatno svi već razmišljamo o originalnim poklonima za one koje želimo da obradujemo. Predstavljamo vam sedam With the holiday season upon us, you’re probably thinking about original gifts for your loved ones. Find inspiration and discover artistic, designer and artisan excellence that’s odabranih umetničkih, zanatskih i dizajnerskih predmeta koji su stvoreni u Beogradu i Srbiji, a prepoznati u svetu made in Belgrade and Serbia, and recognised around the world.


Their witty designs are finding their way beyond Serbia, mostly in the suitcases of nostalgic Belgrad- ers who live abroad. We love their interpretations of iconic Belgrade symbols like the Victor Monument (which is topical as we mark the centenary of WWI victory), ajvar (yummy roast pepper chutney) or red tram. The range includes men and women’s street- wear posters and cups. (Dechko Tzar)

Tekst / Words: Ksenija Kastratović


FOR LOVERS OF ACCESSORIES Driving or just accessorizing for style, with these leather gloves one won’t remain un- noticed. Evica’s designs haven’t ceased to amaze us for decades! A little historical de- tour for fearless lady drivers among you. Queen Mary, the wife of Yugoslav King Alex- ander and great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria od England, was a very passionate driver. She routinely drove from Belgrade to Bucharest, and even from Belgrade to Par- is on several occasions during the 1920s and ‘30s. (ULUPUDS Gallery Singidunum)

Bilo da ih koristite za vožnju ili samo kao modni dodatak, u ovim rukavicama neće- te ostati neprimećeni. Rukavice koje dizajnira Evica već decenijama oduševljavaju i ukra- šavaju Beograđanke. Neustrašivim vozačima među vama dopašće se jedna crtica iz isto- rije. Kraljica Marija, supruga jugoslovenskog kralja Aleksandra Drugog i praunuka kraljice Viktorije, bila je strastveni vozač. Dvadese- tih i tridesetih godina prošlog veka rutinski je vozila od Beograda do Bukurešta, a nekoliko puta čak i od Beograda do Pariza. (ULUPUDS Gallery Singidunum)

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