aforementioned, Disney was a great innova- tor who always went a step further. As testimo- ny to this fact it is often stated that his speech at the Oscars was actually the forerunner of everything later known as PR and social net- working, because he used the occasion of ac- cepting his special award for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to speak for as long as 25 minutes about his next film creation Pinocchio, which was still under production at the time. Do we even need to mention that Pinocchio features on almost all lists of must-see films. He demanded devotion and persever-
Disney didn’t worry too much about sto- ries, as he was too busy creating his kingdom. He toured amusement parks with his daugh- ter, Diane Marie Disney, and adopted daughter Sharon Mae Disney, and came up with the idea of creating Disneyland, the theme park that opened its doors for the first time on 17th Ju- ly 1955, and visiting it remains a wish of every child in the world to this day.“To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land,” said Disney, among other things, probably not even dreaming that the Califor- nia park created from his imagination would
receive its own copies in Ja- pan, Hong Kong, Paris and Orlando. He was a passionate smoker, and that passion eventually cost him his life. He was only 65 when he died on 15 th December 1966. And even his death, of course, couldn’t pass like any oth- er. There’s a long story about how and why there was an avalanche of rumours that he was frozen and is wait- ing in some cryogenic cham- ber for man to find a cure for cancer. No matter how much this scenario resembles one
U Diznijevom posedu su čak 22 pozlaćene zlatne statue, od ukupno 59 za koliko ih je bio nominovan. Ovenčan je sa tri počasna Oskara, od kojih je prvog dobio kada je imao tek 31 godinu Disney’s estate has as many as 22 gilded statues, of the total of 59 for which he was nominated. He has been crowned with three honorary Oscars, the first of which he received when he was just thirty
ance form his associates in everything he set his mind to. That would later turn out to be one of the reasons why numerous negative epithets were attributed to him after his death. The other reason is related to his tough polit- ical views and public statements, which saw him labelled a racist and anti-Semite. He is said to have been personally recruited by Hoover himself and that he informed on communists during the time of the infamous McCarthy- ism. Conspiracy theorists found hidden mes- sages and codes in his animations, through which Disney allegedly introduced dirty el- ements to society through fairy-tale forms.
of his optimistic stories with a happy end, Dis- ney was actually still cremated and laid to rest at a cemetery in California’s Forest Lawn. Had he left to the world only Mickey Mouse, that would have been more than enough for a single lifetime. But it is thanks to Disney that we also met Bambi, Cinderella, the Lady and the Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, Pe- ter Pan et al. He never stopped, and still hasn’t stopped today. His studio bought the Star Wars franchise and continues to make blockbust- ers that smash box office records. It seems as though Disney’s fairy tale, like the remem- brance of him, will last forever.
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