Elevate December 2018 | Air Serbia

er srbija / air serbia


S erbian Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar and Air Serbia Chief Government Affairs and Relations Officer Branislav Mal- ović signed an agreement on cooperation that envisag- es the full support of the Serbian national airline and free flights to all destinations serviced by Air Serbia for Serbian citizens needing to travel abroad to continue their medical treatment. In this way, Serbian citizens directed abroad for treatment at the ex- pense of the state – due to the treatment of their diseases, condi- tions or injuries being unable to be successfully performed in the Republic of Serbia – can use an additional, fast and efficient form of transport to the destination where they can continue to be treated. “The Republic of Serbia has continuously exerted efforts to sys- tematically enable all citizens who cannot be treated successfully in Serbia to get medical help abroad. With the National Health In- surance Fund and the Budget Fund, we have sent more than 2,000 patients abroad in the past four years, and for that purpose we have provided more than €23 million. Patients and their families can uti- lise financial, professional and logistical help at any moment, i.e. the best possible support for treatment abroad, provided they cannot be treated in Serbia. To that end, we highly appreciate the support of socially responsible companies, such as Air Serbia, which has rec- ognised the importance of the fast and efficient transportation of patients and allowed us to count on their support in that sense at any moment, in addition to the transportation services it already provides,”said Lončar. According to Air Serbia’s Chief Government Affairs and Relations Officer, Branislav Malović, the airline has al- ready proven itself to be a socially responsible company and has accommodated the needs of the Ministry of Health, as well as in- dividuals who contacted the company for that type of transport. “Air Serbia will provide free-of-charge transport for every pa- tient sent by the Ministry of Health, and afterwards provide them with all necessary logistical aid in regard to the transportation. We want to help our citizens reach the countries where they will con- tinue their treatment as soon as possible”, concluded Malović.


D r Zlatibor Lončar, ministar zdravlja u Vladi Republike Srbije, i Branislav Malović, izvršni direktor za odno- se sa državnim organima i organiza- cijama Er Srbije, potpisali su spora- zum o saradnji kojim je predviđeno da se srpskim državljanima kojima je za uspešan nastavak lečenja neopho- dan odlazak u inostranstvo obezbedi kompletna podrška srpske nacional- ne avio-kompanije i besplatan prevoz na sve destinacije na koje Er Srbija le- ti. Na taj način, našim građanima koji o trošku države budu upućivani u ino- stranstvo, a čije se lečenje oboljenja, stanja ili povreda ne može uspešno lečiti u Republici Srbiji, obezbeđen je i dodatan, brz i efikasan transport do destinacije na kojoj će biti nastav- ljeno lečenje. – Država Srbija kontinuirano ula- že napore kako bi sistemski omogu- ćila svim građanima koji ne mogu da se leče u našoj zemlji da lekarsku po- moć dobiju u inostranstvu. Kroz RFZO i Budžetski fond smo u prethodne če- tiri godine u inostranstvo uputili vi- še od 2.000 pacijenata i za te name- ne izdvojili više od 23 miliona evra.

Pacijentima i njihovim porodicama u svakom trenutku omogućena je finan- sijska, ali i stručna i logistička, odno- sno najbolja moguća podrška lečenju u inostranstvu, ukoliko već ne mogu da se leče u Srbiji. U tom pravcu, dra- gocena nam je i pomoć društveno od- govornih kompanija, poput Er Srbije, koja je prepoznala značaj brzog i efika- snog transporta pacijenata i omogu- ćila da u svakom trenutku, pored već obezbeđenih modaliteta transporta, možemo da računamo i na njihovu po- dršku u tom smislu – rekao je Lončar. Branislav Malović, izvršni direk- tor za odnose sa državnim organima i organizacijama Er Srbije, izjavio je da je kompanija i do sada bila društveno odgovorna i izlazila u susret zahtevi- ma Ministarstva zdravlja, ali i pojedin- cima koji su se obraćali kompaniji za takvu vrstu prevoza. – Er Srbija će svakog pacijenta ko- ga uputi Ministarstvo zdravlja besplat- no prevesti, a potom mu i pružiti svu neophodnu logističku pomoć u vezi sa transportom. Želimo da pomognemo našim državljanima da što pre budu prevezeni do zemalja u kojima će na- staviti lečenje – zaključio je Malović.

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