Ova igra na ispit stavlja vašu spremnost da verujete u tuđe sposobnosti, procene i veštine i da priznate da niste uvek najbolji. A sve to dok testira vašu logiku, brzo razmišljanje, reflekse, pravovremene reakcije, kao i neustrašivost
This game tests your readiness to believe in the abilities, estimations and skills of others, and to recognise that you aren’t always the best. And all of this whilst also testing your own logic, quick thinking, reflexes and timely reactions, but also fearlessness
W hile kids play hide & seek, build with Lego blocks or sit in front of a screen and disappear into the world of computer games, for those big kids who stubbornly refuse to grow up, a form of great fun has emerged in the world in recent years with the arrival of the escape room concept. This unusual idea is just now experienc- ing real expansion in our country and represents a kind of evo- lution of simulated reality. Escape rooms combine adventure and hilarious entertain- ment, but also require that we’re switched on, resourceful and able to solve the most varied puzzles and enigmas, and they’re intended for everyone aged from seven to 77, including fami- lies with children. “Escape is a game in which a group of people must solve a series of puzzles using clues and objects in the room, while an additional adrenaline boost is represented by the fact that they have a limited time of 60 minutes to escape the situation they’ve found themselves in. Each game has its own scenario and is ar- ranged in thematically-equipped rooms, and thus players can find themselves in a situation where they need to figure out who committed a murder, to escape the claws of a serial killer, or to find the key that will free them from Count Dracula’s chambers. Our offer will soon also include an adventure in the jungle,” says Petar Dragnić, owner of the company that has the most popular escape rooms in Belgrade. Escape room games were initially conceived as video games on mobile phones and computers, but they quickly turned into a higher level of entertainment – starting to be played live and di-
D ok se klinci igraju žmurke, slažu lego kockice ili sede ispred ekrana nestajući u svetu video-igri- ca, za onu veliku decu koja tvrdoglavo odbijaju da odrastu, iz belog je sveta pre nekoliko godi- na stigla sjajna zabava u vidu escape rooma ili bekstva iz sobe. Ovaj neobičan koncept kod nas tek sada doživlja- va pravu ekspanziju, a predstavlja svojevrsnu evoluciju simulirane realnosti. Escape room spaja avanturu i urnebesnu zabavu, ali od nas zahteva i da uključimo vijuge, budemo snalažljivi i rešavamo najraznovrsnije rebuse i enigme, a predviđen je za sve od sedam do 77 godina, čak i za porodice sa decom. – Escape je igra u kojoj grupa ljudi mora da savlada niz zagonetki koristeći tragove i predmete koji se nalaze u prostoriji, a dodatni stimulans predstavlja to što imaju vremensko ograničenje od 60 minuta da se izbave iz si- tuacije u kojoj su se našli. Svaka igra ima svoj scenario i postavljena je u tematski opremljenim prostorijama, pa se tako igrači mogu naći u situaciji da treba da rasvetle ko je počinio ubistvo, da se oslobode iz kandži serijskog ubice ili da pronađu ključ koji će ih osloboditi iz odaja grofa Drakule. Uskoro ćemo u ponudi imati i avanturu u džungli – priča Petar Dragnić, vlasnik firme koja drži najpopularnije sobe u Beogradu. Prvobitno su bekstva bila zamišljena kao video-igri- ce na telefonima i računarima, ali su vrlo brzo postale Tekst / Words: Stefana Pavlović Fotografije / Photography: iStock, Stefan Đaković
Budite spremni da se iznenadite, ali i dobro isprepadate Be prepared to be surprised, but also scared stiff
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