Eskejp rum / Escape room
viši nivo zabave – počele su da se igraju i uživo u verno simuliranom okruženju. Escape room na ispit stavlja vašu spre- mnost da verujete u tuđe sposobnosti, pro- cene i veštine i da priznate da niste uvek najbolji, kao i da vam je potrebna tuđa po- moć. A sve to dok testira vašu logiku, brzo razmišljanje, reflekse, pravovremene reak- cije, a ponekad i hrabrost. Ipak, ono što ovo iskustvo pruža jeste dragocena spoznaja o tome koliko smo u stvari timski igrači i koliko se oslanjamo na druge u kriznim situacijama… Tek igrajući se bekstva iz so- be, možemo da otkrijemo koliko u stvari cenimo druge, kao i da život ipak nije za- mišljen da kroz njega idemo sami. – Svi izazovi u sobi predstavljaju test logike, timskog rada, opažanja, poveziva- nja tragova, intuicije, formalno obrazova- nje uopšte nije potrebno, ali je važno da ekipa ozbiljno pristupi rešavanju svih za- dataka i da komunicira i funkcioniše kao tim – objašnjava Dragnić. U osnovi popularnosti ovog fenomena, za koji verujemo da će na našim prostori- ma tek napraviti bum, leže slični principi koji nas u određenim situacijama pokreću i u stvarnom životu – potreba da razotkri- jemo zlikovca ili rešimo misteriju, dođe- mo do cilja kao pobednici ili jednostavno probudimo adrenalin. U Beogradu je trenutno dostupno de- setak soba, uključujući i Drakuline odaje , Invaziju vanzemaljaca , Kafanu Jugoslavija , Nestalog kuglaša , Vudu priče ... Neke vas teraju na smeh i veselje, ali više je onih koje bude adrenalin, čak i strah i paniku – upravo su zato igrači uvek prepuni utisaka, a nemoguće je izbeći i komične situacije. – Bilo je mnogo interesantnih anegdota sa klijentima i uglavnom, čim završe igru, jedva čekaju da probaju neku drugu sobu. Često smo u saradnji sa njima pravili ra- zna iznenađenja, na primer, da se umesto ključa za izlazak iz sobe na kraju pronađe verenički prsten ili rođendanska torta. De- šavalo se i da neki žele da iznenade svoje prijatelje tako što ih maskiramo u glum- ce kako bi i oni bili deo scenarija – ističe naš sagovornik, dodajući da je njihova naj- traženija soba Ubistvo u masonskoj loži , a najstrašnija soba Mesareva tamnica , ko- ja spada u kategoriju horor soba. Za nju treba imati želudac, ali potrebna je i doza neustrašivosti, a Dragnić naglašava da je, iako svi u startu znaju da je igra potpuno bezbedna, bilo cike i vriske. – Ljudi koji vole horor tematiku u ovoj sobi mogu da dožive zanimljivo iskustvo. Reakcije su bile razne, od toga da se neko nije uplašio uopšte, do toga da je neko vri- štao tokom cele igre. Mogu da učestvuju svi i nije potrebna priprema osim želje da se do- bro provedete – zaključuje Petar Dragnić.
Ubistvo u masonskoj loži jedna je od najzanimljivijih beogradskih soba Murder in the Masonic Lodge is one of Belgrade’s most interesting escape rooms
rect in studiously simulated environments. Escape rooms test your readiness to believe in the abilities, estimations and skills of others, and to recognise that you aren’t always the best and that you need the help of others. And all of this whilst also testing your own logic, quick think- ing, reflexes and timely reactions, but also sometimes your courage and fearlessness. However, this experience also provides us with precious insight into the extent to which we are actually team players and how much we rely on others in crisis situ- ations... Only by playing the escape room game can we discover how much we re- ally value others, as well as discovering that life isn’t actually conceived in such a way that we should go through it alone. “All challenges in the room repre- sent tests of logic, teamwork, percep- tion, connecting clues and intuition. For- mal education isn’t necessary at all, but it is important that the team seriously ap- proaches all obstacles and communicates and functions as a team, otherwise they will struggle to manage to escape,” ex- plains Dragnić. At the basis of the popularity of this phenomenon, which we believe is yet to experience a boom in our country, are similar principles that motivate us in cer- tain situations in real life - the need to ex- pose a“villain”or solve a mystery, to reach a goal as a winner or simply to “awaken” our adrenaline. Around a dozen rooms are current- ly available in Belgrade, including“Drac- ula’s chambers”, “Alien invasion”, “Yugo- slavia tavern”,“Missing bowler”,“Voodoo Stories”... Some of them “drive” you to laughter and fun, but there are more of those that awaken adrenaline, and even fear and panic – this is precisely why players are always full of impres- sions, while it’s also impossible to avoid comical situations.
“There have been lots of interesting anecdotes with clients and, as a rule, once they complete a game they can hardly wait to try some other room. We often come up with a variety of surprises in con- junction with them, so, for example, in- stead of finding a key to exit the room at the end of the game they instead find an engagement ring or a birthday cake. It’s also happened that some of us have sought to surprise our friends by disguis- ing as actors in order for them to also be part of the scenario, notes our inter- locutor, adding that their most popular room is called Murder in a Masonic Lodge, while the scariest room is the Butcher’s dungeon, which belongs to the horror room category. One needs to have the stomach for that room, but also a dose of fearlessness, while Dragnić points out that, even though everyone knows the game is completely safe, there have been squeals and screams. “People who love the themes of hor- ror can have an interesting experience in this room. There have been the most varied reactions, from someone not be- ing scared in the slightest to someone screaming throughout the entire game,” says Dragnić. Today, we almost all have at least one friend who’s experienced an escape room, and listening to their experiences it’s im- possible not to want to personally try out this game that’s for big and small alike. “Our games are played by groups of friends, families with children, foreign tour- ists, companies that organise team-build- ing games for their employees, while we often organise games for birthday and var- ious celebrations, hen and stag nights etc. We really attract people of all possible pro- files and age categories, so literally every- one can participate in games, and no kind of preparation is required except the de- sire for a good time,” concludes Petar.
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