T he fact that this most sacred site in the region is visited during the summer months each year by al- most 300,000 faithful pilgrims proves that this holy place is filled with powerful and beneficial energy. That’s al- so why the often huge queues and crowds won’t cause stress and impatience among the people. On the contrary, whatever wor- ries, sorrows, anxiety, or fear one brings to this place, everyone departs from this spiritual elevation and returns to their life reborn. Because whoever climbs Ostrog and comes to the final resting place of St. Basil of Ostrog will feel special joy in the heart. Ostrog consists of the Upper and Low- er monasteries. In the Upper Monastery, which is dedicated to the Presentation of the Holy Virgin, there is a chamber where St. Basil resided for the last five years of his life. That little cell, who now houses his rel- ics, is said to be a source of human happi- ness and divine love. One who believes can feel how much that moment of celestial- ity of his relics represents a living contact with the holiness of Saint Basil, who treats, heals and consoles. Talking with one of Os- trog Monastery’s monks, we discover why we feel so wonderful and loved in the fi- nal resting place of this saint. “People don’t come here for the good views, clean air and architecture, because you have such structures in rock elsewhere – that’s not decisive in a man forcing him- self to take on a long journey. No, rather it is the grace of God that attracts people and that heals the soul and the body. And
man conceives of life in the presence of ho- liness and the living God”, says this monk happily, before adding: “God, via the relics of St. Basil, per- forms countless miracles. That’s why Ostrog is not only a monastery but also a sanctu- ary and a place of healing for all people”. And St. Basil was born Stojan Jova- nović in Herzegovina in the year 1610, 15 years after the burning of the relics of St. Sava. He lived at the time when the Serbs were experiencing the worst period of slav- ery under the Ottoman Turks, so his par- ents – compelled by fear of a blood tribute – sent him to the monastery at a very ten- der age. There is a fascinating story about how this saint built, together with the other monks, the church of the Holy Cross. Spe- cifically, before St. Basil climbed to the top of Ostrog the Church of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God probably already existed there, but then Basil, as the Metropolitan Bishop of Herzegovina, de- cided to build another one, dedicated to the Holy Cross. It is therefore not surpris- ing that for many people St. Basil repre- sents – after Saint Sava – the most impor- tant saint among Serbs. The Church of the Holy Trinity was built in 1820 in the Lower Monastery, which is located three kilometres from the Upper Monastery. Today pilgrims, tourists, and even monks mostly travel by car or bus to the Upper Monastery, then go by foot. Every ascent and hike through the forest reminds us of the faith and ability of St. Basil to raise a church at an elevation of
900 metres above sea level, as far back as the 17 th century, just so that he could bring his prayers to God. Saint Basil would descend from there to the nearby villag- es and towns to talk with the people, lis- ten to their woes and advise them to rely on Christ. Then he would again ascend to his chamber and talk to God about them, praying for their health and well-being. It was precisely in such devoted prayer for the good of others, on his knees, that St. Basil succumbed. In the place where he died, from a rock without a trace of soil, a grape vine sprouted that is believed to cure marital infertility. That green wreath of life winds over the Ostrog rock and serves to comfort and promise life to everyone who comes and seeks the heartfelt assis- tance of Saint Basil. St. Basil of Ostrog calls on everyone to sleep and spend the night in the vicinity of his shrine. During the summer months, due to a lack of space in the residential quar- ters, pilgrims sleep under an open sky. Al- though many are naturally alarmed at hav- ing to sleep in the open next to strangers, but when they awaken in the morning they feel miraculous. Namely, everyone receives two blankets and a pillow from the mon- astery, but also – even more importantly – everyone who decides to spend the night here receives tranquillity as the most beau- tiful blanket. Everything that the soul re- counts in dream, if it relates to health and salvation, is fulfilled by St. Basil. The morn- ing mass and Liturgy at Ostrog is something that one never forgets.
Bog preko moštiju Svetog Vasilija čini nebrojena čuda. Zato Ostrog nije samo manastir već je i svetilište i lečilište za sve ljude God, via the relics of St. Basil, performs countless miracles. That’s why Ostrog is not only a monastery but also a sanctuary and a place of healing for all people
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