Elevate October 2018 | Air Serbia

na putu / on the road



Tekst / Words : Ljiljana Perović / A.E. Fotografije / Photography: Zoran Lončarević

VOLIM PUTOVANJA. Zaista imam sreću da mnogo putu- jem, pa i na one najudaljenije destinacije, tako da je avion za mene idealno prevozno sred- stvo. S obzirom na pređene ki- lometre, imam mnogo aneg- dota iz aviona... OD DUŽINE PUTOVANJA ZA- VISI I SADRŽAJ MOJE TOR- BE, ali ono bez čega zaista ne mogu su: hidratantni serum za lice, parfem, dobra knji- ga, naočare za sunce i novi uređaj za zagrevanje duvana glo, koji je prelepog dizajna, što je meni posebno važno, kao i činjenica da ne stva- ra pepeo i dim prilikom kon- zumiranja. Notes sa skicama i omiljena olovka su takođe obavezni za sve ideje koje mi padnu na pamet. KENIJA JE BILA MOJE PUTOVA- NJE IZ SNOVA . Indijski okean, safari, priroda koja oduzima dah, spavanje u šatorima na nepreglednim savanama, su- sret s plemenom Masaji Mara, mističnost afričkog kontinenta i gostoljubivost stanovništva. Neprocenjivo iskustvo. To je jedno od onih putovanja o ko- jima bih mogla da pričam bez prestanka. Međutim, Pariz je trenut- no moja omiljena destinaci- ja i grad u koji često putujem zbog profesionalnih obaveza. Napravila sam veliki ko- rak u karijeri i prvi put istupi- la na međunarodnom tržištu sa svojim brendom Emilie by Biljana Tipsarević , tako da se sada moje haljine nalaze i u šourumu u Parizu i Londonu.

I LOVE TRAVEL. I’m really lucky that I travel a lot, even to those farthest destinations, so a plane is the ideal means of transport for me. Considering the distanc- es I’ve travelled, I have lots of anecdotes from planes... THE LENGTH OF THE JOUR- NEY ALSO DETERMINES THE CONTENTS OF MY BAG , but the things I really can’t do without are: moisturising fa- cial cream, perfume, a good book, sunglasses and the new ‘glo’ device for heating tobac- co, which has a beautiful de- sign, which is particularly im- portant for me, as well as the fact that it doesn’t gener- ate ash and smoke when con- sumed. A sketchbook and my favourite pencil are also man- datory, for all the ideas that cross my mind. KENYA WAS THE JOURNEY OF MY DREAMS. The Indian ocean, safari, breathtaking na- ture, sleeping in tents on an endless savanna, meeting with the Masai Mara tribe, the mys- ticism of the African continent and the hospitality of the pop- ulation... a priceless experience. That’s one of those trips I could talk about endlessly. How- ever, Paris is currently my fa- vourite destination and a city I travel to often due to profes- sional obligations. I took a ma- jor step in my career when I en- tered the international market with my brand Emilie by Bilja- na Tipsarević for the first time, so now my dresses can also be found in showrooms in Paris and London.

Biljana Tipsarević (35) uspešna je poslovna žena i modna kreatorka, prepoznatljiva po modelima koji odišu elegancijom. Diplomirala je na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka, a na istom fakultetu odbranila je ma- ster rad na temu industrijskog in- ženjeringa i menadžmenta. Modni dizajn je diplomirala na Akademiji del Luso u Beogradu.

Biljana Tipsarević (35) is a successful businesswoman and fashion designer who’s recognisable for her designs reflecting ele- gance. She graduated from Belgrade Univer- sity’s Faculty of Technical Sciences, while it was also there that she defended her mas- ter’s thesis on the topic of industrial engi- neering and management. She graduat- ed in fashion design at the Accademia Del Lusso in Belgrade.

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