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Hobi imam kad nađem vreme za njega. Najviše uživam u sladoledu I have a hobby when I find time for it. I most enjoy ice cream
vot. I kakva je situacija među oblacima. Imate li hobi? – Imam kad dobijem slobodnog vremena. Na primer, uživam u sladoledu. Kuda najradije putujete i kojim prevoznim sredstvom? – Ne putujem nikuda gde nema aviona. Ranije na to ni- sam obraćao pažnju, a sa godinama sam počeo da biram i avione. Nije važno na kojoj liniji koliko je važno da budem pored prozora u avionu. Kakav je vaš odnos prema letenju? – Metafizički. I na što većoj visini. Možda bi svakog čoveka trebalo vinuti nebu pod oblake da s najveće vi- sine pogleda planetu Zemlju. To bi bilo lekovito za sud- binu čovečanstva. Kada ste u životu imali utisak da ste najviše pole- teli i pali? – Teško ih je razlikovati. Čovek ne vidi ni svoje pado- ve, ni svoje uzlete. I jedno i drugo bolje vide i razlikuju oni koji to gledaju sa strane. Ostvarili ste se kao otac, suprug, deda. Šta su te ulo- ge donele Matiji Bećkoviću? – Imao sam koga da smaram svojim pričama o svom narodu. Zato mi se unučad raspršiše po svetu. Kad se osvrnete na svoj dosadašnji život, pomislite… – Ima predstava u kojima glumci umesto kravata nose omče oko vrata kako bi u svakom trenutku mogli da se pre- domisle. Ja nisam nikad poželeo takvu kravatu. Zašto je dobro biti Matija Bećković? – Ne znam. Treba biti oprezan. Da li je to onaj što je pe- vao: „Baš je njega briga – bar je njemu lako – sve je oživelo čega se dotako!“. Ko ne bi trčao u tom pravcu?
there wouldn’t be many empty words. But you’d see, for example, how life emerges. And what the situation’s like among the clouds. Do you have a hobby? - I do when I have free time. For example, I enjoy ice cream.. Where do you travel the most and via which means of trans- port? - I don’t travel anywhere that I can’t get to by plane. I didn’t pay attention to that earlier, but as I got older I started picking planes. It doesn’t matter what the route is, as much as it’s important for me to be beside the window on the plane. What’s your relationship towards “flying”? - Metaphysical. And to the highest possible heights. Perhaps every man should soar in the sky beneath the clouds to see planet Earth from the highest heights. That would be therapeutic to the fate of mankind. When in your life do you have the impression that you flew and fell the most? - It’s hard to distinguish between them. A man doesn’t see his falls or his ascents. Both of them are seen and distinguished better by those who see that from the outside. You realised yourself a father, husband, grandfather. What did those roles bring to Matija Bećković? - I had someone to bother with my stories about my people. That’s why my grandchildren are scattered around the world. When you look back on your life to date, you consider...? - There is a play in which the actors wear nooses instead of ties around their necks, in order for them to be able to reconsider at any moment. I never wanted such a tie. Why is it good to be Matija Bećković? - I don’t know. One needs to be careful. Is that the one who sang: He doesn’t care - at least it’s easy for him - everything he’s touched has come to life! Who wouldn’t run in that direction?
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