T he fashion world has become more democratic than ever. The internet has made all novelties and innovations avail- able to everyone. Technology and fashion are entering in- to a serious symbiosis, with social networks offering infor- mation in real time, while you can buy anything you want via the internet from anywhere in the world. There is also talk of 3D print- ers that will print clothing, and drones that will deliver them. Will we soon live in the fashion of Fifth Element? When it comes to dictating trends, the millennials are a force to be reckoned with. They are the voice of the future in many as- pects, just one of which is fashion. Thanks to the development of social media, they have become so influential that the fashion industry has succumbed to their influence instead of influenc- ing them. However, they are so flexible that it’s tough to de- fine and mould them. Millennials did not inherit the pre-existing relationship towards fashion. They don’t want to suffer in the name of aesthetics, nor do they want clothing to hinder them. The survival of fashion depends on them, which is why major fashion houses are rushing to comfort them and – even more importantly – to understand them. And this has extended to serious collaboration with icons of street- style. New generations prioritise comfort and a new trend – athleisure. They take care of their health, their body and the planet. Even there we didn’t have to
Klasiku vole i milenijalci
wait long for a response from centres of fashion, with collections based on sustainable and recy- clable materials coloured with eco-friendly dyes having already arrived. The new generation
Milennials also love classic style
M odni svet postao je demo- kratskiji nego ikad. Internet je novitete učinio dostupnim svima. Tehnologija i moda Tekst / Words: Sofija Kuzmanović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs
Stela Mekartni spada u ekološki svesne kreatore Stella McCartney is among ecologically
conscious designers
stupaju u ozbiljnu simbiozu, na društvenim mrežama dobijate informacije u realnom vre- menu, putem interneta možete da kupujete šta god poželite sa drugog kraja sveta. Priča se o 3D printerima, koji će štampati odeću, i dronovima, koji će je raznositi. Da li ćemo uskoro živeti mod- ni Peti element ? Kad je u pitanju diktiranje trendova, milenijalci
su sila sa kojom se računa. Oni su glas budućnosti u mnogim aspektima, moda je samo jedan od njih. Za- hvaljujući razvoju društvenih medija, postali su toliko uticajni da je modna industrija, umesto da utiče na njih, podlegla njihovom uticaju. Ipak, oni su toliko svestrani da je teško definisati ih i staviti u kalup. Milenijalci se nisu primili na postojeći odnos prema mo- di. Niti žele da trpe u ime vizuala, niti žele da ih odeća spu- tava. Opstanak mode leži na njima, pa se velike modne kuće utrkuju da im ugode. I što je još važnije, da ih razumeju. A tu
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