Elevate October 2018 | Air Serbia

Slovenija / Slovenia

ral thermal springs which have tempera- tures ranging from 32 to 73 degrees Cel- sius. The thermal springs are located on the plains, but also right beside the sea, so it’s only up to you to pick the view that best suits you. And the sea? Slovene Istria is pure magic. Piran, Portorož, Izola and Kopar of- fer unforgettable moments. There are lux- ury hotels, interesting tours during which you can catch your own lunch, narrow Mediterranean lanes that hide the most beautiful small craft shops. And that’s not all. Because if you descend into the underworld you are awaited by more than 8,000 solutional/ karst caves. You will ride around Postoj- na Cave on a mini train, see the unique ‘human fish’ and galleries and halls that you’ll never forget. Then follows respite. For all who like to enjoy themselves, Slovenia offers a special gastronomic ex- perience. In each little village you’ll come across a special kind of bread, their olive oil is among the best in Europe, organ- ic, with a hint of orange and lemon... Truf- fles are obligatory, and if you’re in Slo- venia in May you’ll eat asparagus even in ice cream. Powerful cheeses with herbs and perfect cured meats will ensure even the pickiest taste buds give every meal a five-star rating. And in the end, good food must be washed down well, and that’s the time for the winemakers to show what they know. There are more than 1,000 of them in Slovenia and each has their own spe- cial way of making wine. Here even the accommodation can surprise you, because you can spend the night in an artistically arranged prison cell or sleep in the treetops of Sloveni- an villages. So, in Slovenia you can do everything, and here are some places you may not have heard of that will win you over in- stantaneously.


ja je temperatura od 32 do 73 ste- pena. Terme se nalaze u ravnici, ali i tik uz more, tako da je samo na vama da izaberete pogled koji vam više odgovara. A more? Slo- venačka Istra je čista magija. Pi- ran, Portorož, Izola i Kopar nude nezaboravne trenutke. Tu su luk- suzni hoteli, zanimljive ture u ko- jima sami možete da upecate svoj ručak, uske mediteranske uličice koje kriju najlepše male zanatske radnje. I tu nije kraj. Jer, ako siđete u podzemlje, tu vas čeka više od 8.000 kraških jama. Po Postojn- skoj jami ćete se provozati vozi- ćem, videti jedinstvenu čovečju ribicu i galerije i dvorane koje ne možete da zaboravite. Sledi predah. Za sve koji vole da uživaju Slovenija nudi poseban gastronomski doživljaj. U svakom seocetu susrešćete se s posebnom vrstom hleba, maslinovo ulje im je među najboljima u Evropi, or- ganska, sa ukusom pomorandže i limuna... Tartufi se podrazume- vaju, a moćni sirevi sa začinskim biljem i savršeno suvo meso uči- niće da čak i najistančanija nep- ca daju pet zvezdica svakom jelu. Na kraju valja da se dobra hra- na zalije, a to je vreme da vinari pokažu šta znaju. Ima ih više od 1.000 i svaki od njih ima svoj pose- ban način na koji pravi vino. Ovde čak i smeštaj može da iznenadi, jer postoji mogućnost da provedete noć u umetnički uređenoj zatvor- skoj ćeliji ili da spavate u krošnja- ma u slovenačkim selima. Dakle, u Sloveniji možete sve, a ovo su neka mesta za koja možda niste čuli, a osvojiće vas za tren.

Krajem jula u Ivanji gradu održava se festival la- vande. Na ovaj festival dolaze slavni umetnici, po- rodice s decom, mladi i oni manje mladi i svi samo zbog jednog cilja. Da beru lavandu. Po poljima su postavljene ljuljaške, stolovi, među sadnicama mu- zičari sviraju klasiku... Mnogi kažu da su zaboravili na Provansu nakon jedne šetnje ovim poljima. Ako niste u Sloveniji u vreme festivala, uvek možete da obiđete Domaćinstvo Arandjelović na Krasu, koje stoji iza ove priče i vidite kako se suši lavanda i ka- ko se odvaja ulje. LAVENDER PICKING IN IVANJA GRAD The annual festival of lavender is held at the end of Ju- ly in the village of Ivanji Grad. This festival attracts fa- mous artists, families with children, young people and those a little younger, and all with just one purpose: to pick lavender. Fields are adorned with swings and pic- nic tables, while musicians perform classics among the seedlings... This is an unforgettable experience, with many people saying that after just one walk through these fields they forgot all about Provence. If you’re not in Slovenia during the time of this festival, you can always visit the Aranđelović household on Kras, who stand behind the whole story, and see how lavender is dried and the oil extracted.

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