Elevate October 2018 | Air Serbia

slovenija / slovenia


T his fortification, constructed in the 12 th century, gives the impression that it is emerging from a cave, given that part of it is indeed located within a cave, which gives this entire structure a unique quality that enchants visitors. Predjama Cas- tle is located just 10 kilometres northwest of Postojna, which is a half-hour motorway journey from Ljubljana. There is no historical record conforming who built it, but the etymology of the name makes it more than clear. As already mentioned, this fortification is located on a

tvrđenje, podignuto u 12. ve- ku, ostavlja utisak kao da izra- nja iz pećine, budući da se je- dan njegov deo zaista i nalazi

u njoj, što celom ovom zdanju daje jedin- stvenost koja očarava posmatrače. Pre- djamski zamak nalazi se na svega 10 ki- lometara severozapadno od Postojne, od koje se auto-putem za pola sata stiže do Ljubljane. Istorija ne pamti ko ga je podigao, ali je etimologija naziva i više nego jasna. Kao što je već re- čeno, ovo utvrđenje nalazi se na oš- troj litici ispred pećine, odnosno ja- me, te je od te dve reči napravljena kovanica po kojoj ime nose zamak i selo koje se nalazi iznad pećine. Tokom vekova su se smenjivali brojni vlasnici i upravnici Predjam- skog dvorca, počevši od vitezova od Linca, preko porodice Kobencl, pa sve do grofova od Vindišgraca. U devet vekova dugoj istoriji dvorca posebno je zanimljiv nimalo kratak period u kojem je bio stecište haj- duka, koji su iz ovog utvrđenja vr- šili prepade na trgovce, zbog čega se u narodu proneo glas da u okol- nim šumama stanuje sam đavo. U slovenačkoj istoriji čuvena je višemesečna opsada Predjamskog dvorca, koja nimalo nije oštetila be- deme, iako je trajala tokom cele zi- me i proleća 1484, ali protivnici nisu odustajali smatrajući da će se Eraz- mo Jamski sa saborcima predati ka- ko ne bi umrli od gladi. Ono što nisu znali je to da su se stanovnici zamka snabdevali svim potrebnim namirni- cama putem tajnog prolaza koji se nalazio u pećini. U želji da im se pod- smehne, Erazmo je tokom jednog po- sta sa svojih zidina na njih katapulti- rao pečenog vola, da bi zatim tokom praznika „čašćavao“ protivničku voj- sku raznim drugim đakonijama. Ova svakodnevna igra dovela je do toga da se sluga, koji je komunicirao sa gu- vernerom Trsta, polakomi na lako za- rađeni novac, te da izda svog vladara. Ubrzo je otkrivena slaba tačka zamka, a Erazmo je ubijen. U odajama ovog utvrđenja, koje je na- kon Drugog svetskog rata postalo vla- sništvo Slovenije, danas se nalazi jedna od najimpozantnijih zbirki srednjovekov- nih dvorskih predmeta, a ceo utisak živo- ta u zamku dočaravaju i figure dostojan- stvenika i pokućstva u prirodnoj veličini. Osim ove ture kroz Predjamski zamak, poseban događaj je i godišnji viteški tur- nir, koji do poslednjeg detalja dočarava igre u kojima su uživali posetioci ovog mesta još od 16. veka.

Tekst / Words: Nemanja Madžarević Fotografije / Photography: iStock

sheer cliff in front of a cave, or “pit”, and these two words [pred – in front of; jama - pit] have been combined to coin a blend word that represents the name of this castle and the village lo- cated above the cave. Over the course of the centuries, Predjama Castla has changed owners and administrators many times, starting with the knights from Linz, through the Cobenzl family, to the counts of the Win- disch-Grätz aristocrats. In the nine cen- turies of this castle’s history, one particu- larly interesting period was the lengthy time during which it served as an en- clave for hajduk fighters, who would de- scend from the castle to carry out attacks on travelling merchants. This led to the emergence of a rumour among local people that the devil himself resides in the surrounding forests. Slovene history recounts a month- long siege of Predjama Castle that is celebrated for having not caused any damage whatsoever to the ramparts, despite lasting throughout the entire winter and spring of 1484. However, even then the attackers didn’t aban- don their siege, believing that knight Erazem Lueger would surrender to avoid dying of starvation. However, what they didn’t know was that the castle’s inhabitants were able to se- cure all necessary supplies via a se- cret passage located within the cave. With a desire to mock his attackers, Erazem catapulted a roasted oxen from his walls during one Lenten period, only to “worship” the ene-

Predjama Castle is located just 10 kilometres northwest of Postojna, which is a half- hour motorway journey from Ljubljana severozapadno od Postojne, od koje se auto-putem za pola sata stiže do Ljubljane Zamak se nalazi svega 10 kilometara

my army during the holidays with various other dea- cons. This daily game led to one servant, who commu- nicated with the governor of Trieste, deciding tp make some easy money by betraying his ruler. A weak point in the castle was soon revealed and Erazem was killed. The chambers of this fortress, which became a prop- erty of the Slovenian state after World War II, today boast one of the most impressive collections of medieval court objects, while the entire impression of life in the castle is brought to life by life-size figures of dignitaries and arte- facts. Apart from this tour through Predjama Castle, an- other special event is the annual knights’ tournament, which encapsulates, to the minutest detail, the games that have been enjoyed by visitors to this place since the 16 th century.

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