King's Business - 1934-11

December, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly; others give but an occasional pluck at the hope; but he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously, with all his might.— C harles H addon S purgeon . 2 . A Chinese convert, when asked by a mis­ sionary what remedy he found most effec­ tive in curing his countrymen of the opium habit, idolatry, fear of persecution, and other sins, replied laconically, “Knee medicine.” “Men ought always to pray” (Lk. 18:1). —P ickering . II. C hrist ’ s C onquest “The . . . Lord . . . is rich unto all that call upon him.” When there comes a man ready to give himself entirely, wanting everything, ready to take everything that Jesus has to give— ready to take the whole of Jesus into the whole of himself—then the Lord has con­ quered that man. —G eneral W illiam B ooth . Like a conqueror riding into a surren­ dered town—so the Lord enters and fills that man with all His richness, with His perfect standards, His mighty motives, His infinite hopes.— R obert I rwin . III. B ible A nswers to P rayer Jacob (Gen. 32:24-30). Joshua (Josh. 10:12-14). Moses (Ex. 32:11-14). Nehemiah (Neh. 1:4-11; 2:4-6). Hannah (1 Sam. 1:10-20). Daniel (Dan. 9:3-27). Hezekiah (2 Ki. 19:14-37). Elijah (1 Ki. 17:1; 18:42-46; Jas. 5:17). Elisha (2 Ki. 4:32-37). The church (Acts 12:5-17). —M. G. G. IV. C onditions of P rayer Faith (Heb. 11:6; Jas. 1 :6-8). Confession (Psa. 66:18; cf. 1 John 1 :9). Abiding (John 15:7). Perseverance (Lk. 11:5-8; Eph. 6:18). Assurance (1 John 5 :14,15). In the name of Jesus (John 14:13, 14). Dependence on the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:26). —M. G. G. JANUARY 20, 1935 What Do I Know About the Church? 1 C orinthians 12:12-27 Hymn—“Onward, Christian Soldiers.” Hymn—“The Church’s One Founda­ tion.” Prayer. Hymn—“I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord.” Scripture—1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Quartet—“The Church in the Wild­ wood.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” Benediction—Hebrews 13 :20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson In this important passage we have the most detailed description of the church which Jesus Christ purchased with His own blood. A projfkr understanding of this portion of God’s Word would prevent conceit, discontent, arrogance, pride, and envy in the church. The church is the body of Christ, “a habitation of God through the Spirit” (Eph. 2:22). “For by one Spirit are [R. V., “were”] we all baptized into one

Hymn—-“Take Time to Be Holy.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies of personal experiences of God’s dealing in answer to prayer, or of the circumstances in which principles of prayer have been made real. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“For You I Am Praying.” Benediction—Psalm 19:14. Meditation on the Lesson This matchless prayer which our Lord gave His disciples in answer to their re­ quest, “Lord, teach us to pray,” has had volumes written about it. We do not know who asked the question, but what the Lord said in reply will be remembered as long as the world stands. Still, today, we are saying, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In this brief meditation, we shall simply call attention to the two great divisions in this prayer. The petitions in the first division concern God: “thy name,” “thy kingdom,” and “thy will” ; the four peti­ tions in the second portion of the prayer apply to man: “Give us,” “forgive us,” “lead us,” and “deliver us.” Blessed indeed is every Christian who has learned to exalt God’s name higher than any other name, to long for His king­ dom, and to want His will done. To such a one, the second part of this prayer natur­ ally follows. He realizes his own needs, both temporal and spiritual, and acknowl­ edges his entire dependence upon God— for life and breath and all things. The prayer is a mine of spiritual treasure, and the more we ponder and examine it, the more instructive and helpful we shall find it to be. In verses 5 to 13 are definite instructions from our Lord on the subject of prayer. Each Christian needs to be diligent to know what our Saviour taught about this matter which lies at the very root of our practical Christianity. Christ’s illustration, often called “The Friend at Midnight,” impresses upon us the importance of perseverance in prayer. How we poor mortals need this lesson! Many Christians begin with a regular time and place for prayer; and then, little by little, in their exercise of this important ministry, they grow careless and cold. La­ ziness and unbelief creep in and hinder the work. _ We need to recall the many ex­ hortations from God’s Word—“Pray without »ceasing,” “Continue in prayer,” “continuing instant in prayer.” All these instructions are meant to remind us of a danger and to quicken us to duty. In Christ’s _reply to the disciples’ re­ quest, there is the assurance that God answers prayer. How comprehensive and encouraging are the promises which our Lord Jesus Christ holds out to those who will pray! “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (v. 9). Few promises in the Bible are so broad and so unquali­ fied as this one. We are left without ex­ cuse if we fail to take advantage of God’s strength, His power, and His mercy, of­ fered so freely: “If any of you lack wis­ dom, let him ask of God.” “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Leader’s Helps I. “W ithout C easing ” 1. Prayer pulls the rope below, and the great bell rings above in the ears of God.

Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit” (Isa. 57:15). So holy and yet so lowly I— S elected . IV. T rusting a M ighty G od “Are you not afraid, Mother?” asked the son of an old lady who during the progress of an earthquake remained calm and peaceful. “No,” was her answer, “I rejoice to know that I have a God who can shake the world.”— P ickering . V. R ecognition “Some of Love’s secrets reveal others, and therefore between lovers there is rec­ ognition,” so it is written in Raymond Lull’s Book of the hover and the Beloved. And it is one of the dearest secrets of love, that the lover can recognize as by some heavenly instinct the presence of his Be­ loved, although he does not see Him (1 Pet. 1 :8). —A. W. C armichael . JANUARY 13, 1935 What Do I Know About Prayer? L uke 11 :1-13 Suggestions for the Meeting (Let this be a real prayer service.) Hymn—“Sweet Hour of Prayer.” Prayer. Hymn—“I Must Tell Jesus.” Prayer. Hymn—“What a Friend.” Prayer. Quartet—-“The Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” Scripture—Luke 11:1-13. A NEW SCNG “HEAVEN W ILL BE JUST BEGINNING FOR ME” Beautiful harmony; solo or quartet. 10c copy postpaid, A ddress: HARMON W. JONES, Central», Wash.


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