King's Business - 1934-11

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fthe KING in 50,000 Homes Family Magazine

of these individuals in forming a club, thus taking advantage of the Club-of-Ten offer. Why not begin today to recruit your friends? By means of the Club-of-Ten, you may either collect the regular subscription price of $1.50 per annual sub­ scription from each of ten persons, retaining $1.00 for yourself, and sending to the KING’S BUSINESS 50 cents, or you may give your friends the benefit of your agent’s commission. For each subscription sent outside the United States, 25 cents extra must be added to cover postage. Where can you find a better or more inexpensive Christmas gift to send to each of ten friends? This is what a reader in Greenville, Mich., writes: “A subscription to your wonderful litde magazine, the KING’S BUSINESS, was sent to my sister for a Christmas gift last year. We had never seen it before, but surely have found it most interesting and helpful.” The KING’S BUSINESS is an ideal holiday remem­ brance. It is sure to please. If you so direct, we will send, five days before Christmas, a gift card in your name to each subscriber you may select. This offer is the opportunity of the year, for it means that you can enter scores of homes—many of them unchristian— i t a cost to you of less than one cent a week! In the light of the possible imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, dare you withhold gospel light from the homes that need it—when the cost to you is so small? Think the matter over, pray about it, and fill in the accompanying coupon.

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h i . The Ministry of the Printed Page Is World-Wide The KING’S BUSINESS is sent to readers in all parts of the world. For the special benefit of the large number of foreign subscribers, the Sunday-school Lesson Commentary, the Notes on Christian Endeavor, and the Daily Devotional Readings are furnished one month in advance. Many readers send the KING’S BUSINESS to grateful missionaries who could not possibly pay for a subscription themselves. Such comments as the following are received almost daily: From Honduras, Central America: “The KING’S BUSI­ NESS has been a great help and blessing in our years of service. Being the only foreign worker in all this section, and cut off from all fellowship with other workers, I find that such papers are of untold value. Those who live in the homeland with every means of spiritual help available can litde realize how greatly we lone workers need such help as the KING’S BUSINESS gives.” From Taranaki, New Zealand: “I have enjoyed the helpful articles in your paper. Being a Sunday-school teacher, Bible class leader, and local preacher, I am always on the lookout for good sound articles. The Institute has my prayers.” From Barbados, British West Indies: “I do not know what I would do without the KING’S BUSINESS. It is next to my Bible. The Sunday-school lesson notes are all I have to depend on, as I do not have any lesson books or helps.” IV. The Method of Extending the Blessing Is Very Simple There are thousands of homes that need the simple, straight­ forward message that the KING’S BUSINESS ¿ways gives. Without stopping to think very long, you could probably name a score of families who would be benefited by the magazine’s monthly visits. You may not be able to subscribe for all these friends at $1.50 each, the regular annual subscription price of the magazine, and they may not be able to subscribe for it themselves at that price. But you could interest ten or more

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Circulation Manager K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 558 South Hope Street

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