T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
December, 1934
of the people did not know just who He was. They knew He was a wonderful Person; they followed Him, but they did not understand who He was or believe in Him as the Son of God. Lesson Story: One day, Jesus turned to them and said: “Whom say the people that I am?” The disciples told Jesus that some of the people were saying that He was “John the Baptist; but some say, Elias; and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen again.” This is just as Jesus had known; the people were puzzled as to who He was. He turned again to His disciples and said: “But whom say ye that I am ?” And then it was that Simon Peter gave the answer which we know must have pleased Jesus. He said: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And then Jesus said that Peter had given the right answer because the heav enly Father had shown Peter who Jesus Christ really was. And again Jesus called Peter a rock, reminding Peter that he was to grow stronger and stronger as Jesus’ disciple. Jesus asks each of us the same ques tion which He asked Peter: “Whom say ye that I am?” And the answer we should make is the same which Peter made many years ago: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Lesson: All four of these alarm clocks are ringing at the same time, but only one is right. This big one is making a great deal of noise, but it is not telling the truth. It says that it is four o’clock, and instead it is ten. This clock reminds me of those people who thought Christ was_ John the Baptist. They made a loud noise in ex pressing their opinion of Him, but their opinion was wrong. Golden Text: “All of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility” (1 Pet. 5:5). _______ Outline and Exposition I. T h e M a n if e s t a t io n of H u m il it y ( J o h n 13 :l-5) O n e of the last lessons taught by our Lord during His earthly life con cerned humility, which has been called the queen of the graces. Humility is the opposite of pride, which is the first thing put on and the last thing taken off by the natural man. Our Lord taught hu mility by both action and word. Knowing that “he should depart out of this world” (v. 1), He would teach His BLACKBOARD LE SSON Object Lesson L oud , b u t W rong Objects: Four alarm clocks.
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The second clock is like those people who said that Christ was Elias. Instead of giving the correct time, this clock says that it is six o’clock. The fact that these people thought Christ was a great prophet returned from heaven to earth did not ex cuse them for not knowing who He was. Then there were others who said that He was one of the old prophets risen again. They were like this third alarm clock, which says in a loud voice that it is eight o’clock. Christ asked those who knew Him best and loved Him most: “But whom say ye that I am ?” Peter said: “The Christ of God.” His was the only correct answer. The fourth clock says that it is ten o’clock, which is correct. It did not make more noise than the others, but every tinkle of the bell was telling the truth. We are living in days when people are saying many things about Christ. Some are saying that He was a great teacher, but He was more than a teacher. Some are saying that He was the only perfect man, but He was more than man. Peter was able to give the correct answer because Christ was his Saviour. When a person tells me his opinion of Christ, I know whether or not he is a Christian. The person who is truly s^ved will give the true answer—that Christ is God’s Son, the Saviour of the world. The world’s greatest need is to recognize Christ as the Son of God, and to accept Him as Saviour. Whom do you say that He is? followers this great lesson while yet there was time. His death was no surprise to Him; He was the omniscient One. And His death was not against His will; He was the omnipotent One. He willingly gave' Himself. He knew He was passing out of this world, but not out of life, for “in him was life” ; He was on His way to His Father. And “having loved his own . . . he loved them unto the end”—unto the uttermost bound of time and eternity (v. 1). His love for His own was unchanging; having loved them when they were His enemies, how much more would He love them when they were His friends, saved by His grace ? They were His own peculiar property; first, by gift from the Father; second, by purchase—the price of which He was about to pay on the cross; and third, by their own surrender to Him. They were His own peculiar care to guard through all their journey, as they would be beset by every form of opposition and obstacle. They were his own to guide through all the dangers of which they were as yet ignorant, but which were already well known unto Him. And they were His own peculiar loved ones in spite of all failures, backwardness, disloyalty, and unbelief. In the last night before our Lord’s cru-
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JANUARY 20, 1935 PETER’S LESSON IN HUMBLE SERVICE J ohn 13:1-17 ; 1 P eter 5 :5
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