King's Business - 1934-11

December, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


night would be over, before the cock would crow twice, Peter would deny three times that he knew the Lord Jesus. And yet, Peter was so sure of himself 1 Often when we think we are brave and strong, we are weakest. It was so with Peter. The soldiers came to take Jesus. And when they came, Jesus’ disciples didn’t stay with Him and go along with Him to comfort Him. No, they ran away; even Peter fled. And when Jesus was being tried in the high priest’s house that same night, Peter followed afar off. He wanted to know what was happening to Jesus, but he was afraid to go near Him. He stayed down­ stairs with the servants; and when a serv­ ing maid said, “Thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth,” he denied and said: “I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest.” Just then the cock crew, but Peter had forgotten what Jesus had said. Another servant saw him and said; “This is one of them.” Peter denied it again. He thought it wasn’t safe just then to be known as a friend of Jesus. A third time he denied knowing Jesus. Then the cock crew once more, and Peter re­ membered Jesus’ words. How ashamed he was I He went out into the night and wept. Objects: Two hammers, and a bright metal wedge, with a red cross painted on one side. (One hammer should be loose on the handle.) Lesson: I brought two brothers with me this morning, and I am quite sure that you never could guess their names without see­ ing them. Here they are. Their last name is Hammer. Their first names are Harold and Herbert. These brothers look very much alike, but you will see that they are very different when you know them. Harold is like a boy who has accepted Christ as Saviour. He will pull nails or drive them just as you wish. You can trust him to do the things you want done. Herbert is different. He is like a boy who has never accepted Christ as Saviour. He will pull tacks pretty well, if you handle him carefully, but if you ask him to drive a nail, he quickly flys off the handle. Notice how easily he loses his head. (Slip the head off the handle.) You never can trust the boy or girl who is always losing his or her temper and flying off the handle. There is just one thing which Herbert needs, and it is this bright metal wedge. You will see that the wedge has_ a red cross on it, reminding us of Christ and His death on the cross for us. Harold has for a long time realized that his brother needs a wedge, and he gladly helps him to get it. (Use Harold to drive the wedge.) You can now trust Herbert. And it is the same way with boys and girls. When they have really accepted Christ as their [Continued on page 455] Object Lesson F lying off th e H andle


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pronoun “he.” “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed.” Assurance is an evil thing if based upon ourselves. It is a good thing if based on God. 4. Peter is often condemned for his atti­ tude, shown in verse 54: “Peter followed him afar off.” Doubtless it is just to blame Peter for being “afar off." But we ought not lose sight of the fact that Peter “fol­ lowed.” It proves that Peter was one of the true sheep of Christ. They may wander and stray at times, until they are separated from Him by too much distance. But they never leave off following altogether. “My sheep . . . follow me,” said Jesus; even though it is sometimes “afar off.” Golden Text Illustration When Abraham Lincoln was candidate for the Presidency, some one asked him what he thought of the prospect. With characteristic humor, he answered, “I do not fear Breckinridge, for he is of the South, and the North will not support him; I do not much fear Douglas, for the South is against him. But there is a man named Lincoln I see in my papers, of whom I am very much afraid. If I am defeated, it will be by that man.” —Sunday School Times. When Peter Did Wrong and Was Sorry M ark 14:12-72 Memory Verse: “I will be sorry for my sin” (Psa. 38:18). Approach: As Jesus went on talking to His disciples on that last night that He spent with them, He grew sorrowful and

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said: “All ye shall be offended because of me this night.” Peter was so sure that he was Jesus’ faithful disciple that he said: “Although all shall be offended, yet will not I.” L e s s o n S to r y : Then Jesus looked sadly at Peter and said that before the

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