King's Business - 1934-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1934

right into the immediate presence of God Himself, into the very holiest of all. The Lord is saying to you and to me: “Seek ye my face.” May our hearts respond to H im : “Thy face, Lord, will I seek.” —W . H . A ldis . JANUARY 20 The Boundaries of Prayer “Praying always with all prayer and sup­ plication in the Spirit” (Eph. 6:18). The overture to all prayer must be: “Thy will be done.” No man can sing the song of supplication who has pitched his voice upon a lower key. My Father meas­ ures distance not by space but by sympa­ thy ; my voice shall He hear in the morning if I ask “in the Spirit.” Lord, teach me that form of prayer which marks the boun­ daries within which I may ask of Thee. Teach me to desire that by which Thy name shall be hallowed, to seek that which shall hasten Thy kingdom, to wish that which shall be consistent with Thy will. My prayer shall become Thy prayer when I shall ask through Thy Spirit. —G eorge M atheson . JANUARY 21 The Test “In the Spirit” (Rom. 8:9). “In the Spirit” affords a test. “Can I say this—can I do this—in the Spirit?” will generally help us in moments of un­ certainty. “I am going to shoot some of my sharp arrows, even bitter words—in the Spirit? I intend to push a hard bargain -—in the Spirit?” . . . How impossible! “In the Spirit” gives us a rule for use in all work for God. Let us be thankful for a simple rule that will serve so well, and help us greatly, if we give it free exercise. . . . Let us not only pray and sing, worship and teach, “in the Spirit,” but also buy and sell, go to the counting-house, the council- chamber, the workshop, the farm, “in the Spirit.” We like to be “in the Spirit” on the Lord’s day, but the same great privilege is for every day of the week as well. —J. T. W. JANUARY 22 Will God Withhold Anything? “I f God be for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). Is God so much “for us” that He is will­ ing to employ for our salvation His whole plenitude of resources? Can we safely count on His grudging or withholding nothing that is needful to effect His pur­ pose of grace? Against God, if He do His utmost, no creature can avail. But will God do His utmost for such an object? The question is answered by an appeal to facts. St. Paul points us to what God has already sacrificed in the cause of His people’s re­ demption. The surrender of His Son to die was an act so much beyond parallel that after it there is no conceivable gift of His which does not look trivial in com­ parison. Let us arm ourselves with the stout reasoning of the apostle, stalwart of heart and brain as he is, and ask ourselves: “He that spared not his own Son, but de­ livered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” —J. O swald D ykes . JANUARY 23 Childlike Trust “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5 :7). In the autumn twilight, in a poor but thrifty peasant’s home, sat a young mother plying her needle. She was making a gar­ ment for the wee Willie whose ringing

CHR I S TMA S CH E ER I N F A R A W A Y C H I N A Homes will be desolate. Children left to die of starvation, the sick abandoned without care, Christmas a mockery unless you will aid with your gifts and prayers. Our orphans and workers have produced a beautiful array of artistic hand embroidered pieces in linen, silk and pongee; tray cloths, lunch­ eon sets, handkerchiefs, dresser scarfs, etc. Send for illustrated price list and select generously from these distinetive gifts for Christmas use. Your purchases will help support this work of faith—the largest Christian orphanage in the Orient. We also care for adults and maintain a Christian school for growing boys and girls. Give of your prayers and substance that the goodness and mercy of Christ may prevail against the ignorance and squalor, the famine and pestilence that besets China’s teeming millions. We appeal for your aid in feeding the fatherless, healing the sick and guiding the youth to knowledge of God’s love. Write today for free booklet "Helping China’s Helpless." Address: . . . AMERICAN OFFICE . . .

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